I mean, I'm no business leader or owner, so I cannot give specifics on anything. But as a coach and as a parent, I can only trust that the powers that be know the answer to that. I either have to trust that they are at least ATTEMPTING to do what's in the industry's best interest, or jump ship. If I truly felt the USASF was crooked and not attempting to do what's best for our industry, I would not allow my children to participate in this sport.
But personally speaking regarding the athlete registration, I would much rather them just put it out there and at least get some sort of tracking going than to sit on it for years and years trying to make it perfect.
Speaking from my christian background, people often times will say, "I will go to church when I get my life straightened out." When the reality is, go to church and God will help you get your life straightened out. That's my take on it anyway.