All-Star Do You Remember When...

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When girls would stand there after completing their tumble pass and/or while glying in the pyramid, with their cheeks puffed out shaking their head back and forth, as some sort of performance or facial.
The sad part about this is that I still see flyers who do that...:banghead:

Two simple words..

Cheer Curls.
I had to wear those for dance. no joke.
I remember the first team my daughter cheered on was the bomb because they had team round off tucks! Yes, you read that right no handspring in there. LOL
it's so sad, because just last year before i stopped cheering for school, a middle school team had the cheer curls. & one girls fell out on the mat...
Okay too much fun with this... heres a few no ones mentioned!

Those tall socks with a megaphone or paw on them

The UCA backdrop was the indiana jones set

Competition mats didn't always have velcro strips and they didn't always run the same ways so you had to figure spacing out on your own! You also didn't always know where center was so you brought a stuffed animal or something to mark it with!

Back when after you completed your tumbling pass you proudly stuck out your chest and made a face. Like the last pass in this video but only more exaggerated... - about 1:13
Two words... SPRAY GLITTER.

we used to have glitter parties. aka someone sprayed glitter in the air and we danced underneath it to cover our entire bodies in glitter! TRAGIC!

:eek: OMG when we had to put it all over our hair and a some on our bodies, my mom would just hate having to wash my hair after comp. with all the hair spray and glittler..... i would look like a child went crazy with glitter... oh wait
All of these are so funny! I remember all of this stuff.. when I tell my girls that we used to stop the music do a cheer then restart the music they think im crazy. I remember the first year that it was all music but the music went down that you couldnt hear it. I cheered allstars from 96-2003.
We also went to an international competition in they still do that?

Oh and I remember Cheersport nationals before it was huge..I mean it was a big competition but not like it is now!

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