And "mass shooting" statistics aren't completely accurate because they do not include shootings that take place in private residences or involving family members.
While homicide rates have declined, gun-related deaths (accidental and purposeful) have held pretty steady. And while most mass shootings take place in "gun-free" zones, most did not occur in places with active deterrence measures (metal detectors, bag checks, security guards, etc).
I don't want to see the elimination of private gun ownership, but I do want to see a shift in legislature (and mentality) from gun ownership being a right to gun ownership being a privelege. Driving a motor vehicle is a privelege, why isn't gun ownership? The 2nd Amendment's true meaning and intent was lost decades ago. Unfortunately, our country has gotten to a place where rolling back gun ownership and placing restrictions on sales will be next to impossible. I lost all hope in seeing any new type of effective gun control be successful in this country after Sandy Hook.
This is coming from someone who enjoys going to shooting ranges, and whose husband (USMC veteran) owns several guns (inherited hunting rifles, but still, they are in a safe in our home) and has taken our CP to a shooting range on several occasions to teach her gun safety and how to handle a weapon.