Top Ten Things I took home From Doral:
1) Worlds is Saturday, Sunday, and Monday
* that frees up the ICU for Friday and offers an entire feasible day for Prelims ( Saturday) that won't have to share venues with the ICU.
2) They are considering lowering the number of teams necessary to have a prelim round. Specifically Medium CoEd that had 37 in the division last year.
3) Worlds will still have 10 teams max on Monday the final day in all divisions and with even more emphasis on production for the athletes.
4) NACCC believes it is time to deliver the universal scoresheet to the masses under the masterful direction of John Metz. The idea has gained ground for years, now the powers that be will struggle with who wins out the end on the final decisions for each category, rubric, etc. Could be the best thing for the industry in five years..may also mean scores of unintended consequences.
5) Allstar Prep is a viable division that is gaining ground all over the country and we should start as many teams as possible not only to help grow grassroots participation but to offer a lower priced alternative for our customers.
6) The quest to be "annointed" as an Olympic Event continues to permeate many decisions from the top down that we can't even fully begin to understand. For instance, USAG and Ballroom Dance are threatened by the similarities "Cheer" has as a discipline to their long standing "Olympic" caliber sports. Note: We are now officially calling ourselves "Cheer" and no longer "Cheerleading"
7) The new proposed rule changes for 2013-2014 especially in partner stunting make me want to fast forward to next summer...really needed...really exciting.
8) Worlds Venue is not going to change until at least 2014 if ever. They are making steps to add an Awards Arena and sell "session tickets" to clear out the milkhouse in three sessions on Finals Day.
9) Incomplete double fulls will massively affect your score so make sure this never happens.
10) The bugs are not playing around in Miami...there are no plans to change the membership of the Board of Directors ( outside of the coaches being rotated as always )...and the Independent Event Producers are passionate, inspired, and have a revived sense of Entrepreneurialism that makes me believe in the future all over again...they deserve a hard look at their events this season. They stood their ground in Doral and are united with new found determination and innovation...exactly what we all need right now. Additionally, event producers in general show a great deal of unity to grow participation and work together.
I think the USASF learned a lot as in organization still in its Infant stages and now is moving towards being an adolescent shedding itself of issues of the past, stronger to face new issues not yet encountered...Its our job to be positive, work together and help the sport we all love continue to reach as many lives as possible.