Ok, this is going to be another LONG post, so I'd like to apologize up front lol. 3 things were seriously discussed in regards to scoring/judging.
#1 - Two panels to score EACH routine. One panel judges LIVE and and ONLY judges execution. Panel Two watches a video of the routine and ONLY scores difficulty, and counts the number of skills.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea (
kingston and I have discussed this several times and he can go even more in depth better than I can). But I will post concerns with this idea - 1. Time, EP's seemed to be in favor of the idea but are concerned of how long the "video review" may take. 2. There currently is no "code of elements/points" meaning who is to say a full up immediate is worth more points than a double-up etc. etc.
#2 - A judges association. Again, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea. However, the concerns are WHO governs this association? How does it get started? It was discussed that "experts" in their field (ex. Debbie Love for tumbling,
Ceacoach pyramids, Peter Lezin stunts, Ray Jasper dance etc. etc.) meet with ALL judges and discuss judging in those areas. Those "experts" will lead the BEGINNING of the Judges Association and meet with Professional judges and at least ONE of those Professional Judges MUST be on a Bid panel, this would be the START of the association. I think it will take time and will take time, but again I LOVE the idea.
Other things suggested that the judges association would "address" and help with.
- Time on the panel (meaning breaks, when they arrive before the event etc.)
-Appropriate panel (meaning your competitor isn't judging your team)
-Qualified panel (tracking judges and how they perform)
-Judges pay
#3 - Universal Score Sheet. I don't think many are against this but it has seen its resistance. EP's feel that their score sheet gives them a "competitive advantage" against other EP's. As in, they design their score sheet to what they feel THEIR customers want, which is a valid point IMO. HOWEVER if #1 and #2 are to be successful then a Universal Score Sheet is a MUST. I LOVE LOVE LOVE
BlueCat score sheet solution which is a Universal Score Sheet with an EP column which would allow the EP to adjust how much they would like to weigh each division for their specific event. Again, it's
BlueCat idea so I will defer to him for a deeper explanation.
IMO without ONE of these THREE they all fail.
Now with this being said, I discussed later with a few separate EP's and they mentioned that the percentage of the judging errors was so minuscule that a "judges association" they didn't feel needed, which made me step back and think. Ex. My gym has 11 teams, and we competed 10 times (110 score sheets) MAYBE 5 of those had issues (maybe) which means 105 times MY scores were correct. Is it NEEDED to have a NEW association which will inevitably have its growing pains and governing issues? I know that I and everyone else in the industry WANT IT RIGHT, but EVEN WITH #1, #2, #3 there will still be issues. Would having 1,2,3 ELIMINATE ANY AND ALL issues, NO. So I propose that EP's take an active role and publicize how their judges are doing. If an EP feels that their ratio of correctly judged routines far outweighs judges mistakes, make it public, tell me. Because I feel that knowing and EP is working hard to "get it right" would mean a lot to the industry. Also, EP's feel that they provide appropriate time and pay ( I personally don't think pay is an issue that is my concern bc if you choose to judge you know what you are getting before hand, but to have a way to EARN more pay for being a good judge, I can get behind)
I told you it would be long, so I'm sorry. I know that we ALL want it RIGHT. I think that 1,2,3 are all GREAT suggestions. It did make me step back and think more after talking to EP's that feel that the LEGITIMATE scoring issues is very, very small in comparison to the number where the judges got it right. It made me think, I hope it makes you too!