OT Dresses

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thats exacty what it is and to get opinions on dresses too

Thats a neat idea actually. Gotta love technology.

At the store my sister went to they just write down her name and school and won't sell the same dress to someone else from her school....but they also only had 1 of that dress anyway.

But still someone can buy it from another store (although we didn't see it at any other store in town)
Thats a neat idea actually. Gotta love technology.

At the store my sister went to they just write down her name and school and won't sell the same dress to someone else from her school....but they also only had 1 of that dress anyway.

But still someone can buy it from another store (although we didn't see it at any other store in town)
yeah its a lot of fun cause all the girls know what everybody else is wearing and we all say what accessories and shoes and corsages we should wear
The dress I want, but can't get cause prom is the same day as worlds :(
My prom is junior/senior so since I'm a senior, I want a fun shorter dress. I had the more traditional dress last year so I'd like this year to be more relaxed. Especially since my prom is at the beach! I'm totally going all out though.. Hopefully if the snow clears out here, I'll be checking out dresses tomorrow!
The dress I want, but can't get cause prom is the same day as worlds :(
We decided not to go to Worlds last minute my senior year and I had to wear my homecoming dress to my prom. I was totally ok with missing prom, but things happen...so I had to have a friend do my hair and everything cause there was like no appointments left.

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