So I thought I would relate this topic to a different view to put it in perspective.
It seems to me as if many cheerleaders do as I did and join a sorority in college. If you are in a sorority you can pay $1,000 ++ and some big schools over $5,000 a year to go to formals, socials, date parties, sisterhoods, etc.You can take positions, it teaches great time management, it looks great on a resume, you get a great college experience, and it is a fun time. At the same time, after you are a member you are subject to the rules of that sorority, and if you break them you can be terminated and you do not get reimbursement. Who wants to explain to daddy that they just paid a pretty penny and then you got kicked out? Personally, I know that my tagged pictues must be private. Even though I am now 21, I can have no pictures of me drinking, holding a drink, holding a red cup/ blue cup / green cup / pink cup, or have alcohol bottles in the background. I can not post a status that is extremely vulgar, swears, negative about other sororities/fraternities, negative about my sorority. We have a facebook that our executive board has the password too, we are required to be friends with that "person" and if they like your picture, you have to delete it. If you dont? You get your socials / date parties / formals taken away and a fine. You dont again? You get kicked out. You dont get reimbursed and you do not get to write on your resume that you ever were in that sorority. Some may think, why is it their business if your paying to do it. It is their business because it is an international organization that has standards, morals, and expectations. If they let you do whatever you want, it will no longer be prestigious and noone will want to join. Along with that, if you are wearing your letters or clearly at a sorority event, you can get your chapter in major legal trouble. I see it this way. My sorority wants the best for me. They know that people judge you based on these pictures and how you portray yourself online. They know that future employers will not even consider you because of it. They have these rules not only for themselves but also for your own good. If you dont want to follow rules, dont join an organization - clear and simple.
On the same lines, any of you want to cheer in college? Guess what? SAME THING! My freshman year at Kent State immediately after tryouts I was required to add my coaches on facebook. If they saw something they didnt like, it is coming down. As a college cheerleader, you are representing a huge university on many levels. You are a role model and leader. It is simply unacceptable to have it up. I have heard some coaches even look you up at tryouts and even if you are a great cheerleader, if you look a mess online - sorry. A really freaky reason why they did this? When you are freshman in college you meet new people every day, you get hundreds of new facebook friends. If you get someone that looks young and normal and goes to your school, you probably will except it assuming you just forgot. But guess what happens? Your excited to post pictures of you cheering football games, basketball games, in your new uniform. But then a few pictures later a picture of you looking a hot mess. Random person steals your pictures and gives them to websites like "hot college cheerladers" and "college cheerleaders gone wild". When people see your picture in uniform and a mess on a website they arent just judging you, they are judging your university. Do you really think a world class university is going to have that? Dont think so
I believe that all-star organizations has the same rights and reasons as I mentioned above. They have their organization and their brand to protect, and as adults that care about you they also need to protect you. If you dont want to listen to it, then dont join or when you get kicked off or punished, realize that you deserved it.
Another topic to go along with this, what do your coaches do if you are blatantly bashing other gyms on facebook / twitter? I think this is one of the worst portrayals on a gym possible.