Im not sure if anyone has mentioned a "sew-in" but, those are good for ethnic hair. I know when i was younger and had competitions, we would wear "wiglets" (like a draw string pony tail) so all i had to do was mold my hair up in a bun and attach the hair piece, but as I got older, and wiglets start growing out of style (thank GOD lol), I would wear my hair half up, half down. Im black, but I have good or "managable" hair. But i would sweat and my roots would poof up, and I hate putting heat in my hair, and i dont get perms any more. Some people NEED perms, but if you can stay away from them, DO SO! Its hard to decide what to do if you have a younger daughter who competes, and trying to get her hair right. Sew-Ins are great! However, it all depends on the kind of hair that you buy, the more expensive, the better. I have a sew in now and just started competing again, and i wear it half up, half down, and i curl it. Looks really good, and it lasts for a while. So if you dont want to deal with perms, or constant heat in your hair, buy some good weave and get a sew in lol =)