To clarify, when I said that producers can cut and paste footage I didn't mean that they can just create words coming out of your mouth. I meant that they can take a clip of someone saying something vague and spin it different ways to fit their dramatic needs. Like if someone's talking about their stamp collection and you say "I don't give a crap. Go bother someone else." they can take that snippet and play it after a clip of your mom telling you how much she loves you or a hungry puppy begging you for food and suddenly you look like a heartless b****. In some reality shows you don't see the conversation escalate or unfold naturally. Character A could have said something to offend character B but all you see is the edited clip of character B using some colorful language against character A and not the hurtful things that upset them. Maybe it's the media studies major in me but unless it's shot as a continuous take, I assume it's just crafted drama.
My problem with Cheer Perfection isn't the catty, pointless chatter from Suzy's mom since I know it's most likely taken out of context, it's with Youth Silver, a level 2 team, being called "elite" and outsiders thinking that a backhandspring is the hardest tumbling there is and a prep is an elite stunt. After the pilot aired, I actually had to inform people who were saying "I can do that, why don't I have a show?" or "cheerleading is so easy, you just have to do a backflip and hold a tiny child up." that there were three more levels above that.
Sorry for the long post, I'm avoiding studying for finals.