All-Star Extreme Moms

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I really DON'T think that cussing is that big of a deal. Yeah, I don't cuss, but my parents do. It's not a regular thing, but people get aggravated! Especially preteen-teenage girls and their moms. They fight. It's nothing new. My mom's used the f word to me when she's gotten mad.
That being said, they can do a LOT with editing. We're making a documentary for AP World, and we've edited things so we could take out what we didn't want, use something for a section about something different, all kinds of stuff. And this is 7 fifteen year olds with a laptop and a flip video camera. Think about what they must be able to do. We've seen it on other shows, why are we so critical here? I haven't watched cheer perfection, but from the preview I've seen it seems that it was edited in the same way. So I'm not saying we should judge about that and not about this. I think you should always take "reality" TV with a grain of salt. It's so unreliable. I don't take these shows seriously. I watch them for amusement, but it's not like I actually believe everything happened the way they say it does.
It's great that we have friends/family that can tell us about these people's TRUE personalities on fb, but I think that even when we don't we should give them the same benefit of the doubt we do here (or some of us do)
It seems that the media is intent on giving cheer a bad name. I guess we'll just have to try our best to counteract that. I think we're on a good path, when everyone gets together to support a cause, or a project benefiting someone who had a tragedy, it shows our industry's true colors. And it makes me so happy to see it. I wrote a paper about the true colors of the cheer community (: because we really are a big family, no matter how we're portrayed in the media.
Apparently we live in the same box. Still don't know who she "is" and really don't care. I also didn't see any truly horrible behavior, though.
Have to agree I mean if I had not been on this board I would not even know who Gabi was - MANY MANY MANY cheer families do not know who these CPs that are "famous" are and never there parents and shocker most of them don't really know who these top gyms are or care - cheer is their kids activity and they are there to support their kid. Which in the end is what both of these moms were doing - not in a way I would choose to do but then not in a way I doubt I would ever be offered. Other than a couple of curse words (which I never find any point in people using and don't think highly of those who feel the need to curse unless they have been seriously physically hurt) and some seriously looked cut footage as far as a show it wasn't as bad as most of them. I think producers like to create their "villain" and unfortunately for the Butler family that happened to be Debbie. I applaud her daughter because I think if they could have they would have tried to present one of the girls poorly as well and it clearly would not have been the one who was the spokesperson. Obviously other than her lack of wanting to do some things and goodness knows that was after how many takes she came across as a very genuine and together girl - and you know reality tv they do not care if it is a kid or an adult if they can amp it up they would - so congrats to her for not giving them anything to work with - way to go girl.
Let me 1st say that I have never met Debbie or John, and from what people posted, I’m sure they are wonderful people and parents. Reading this thread, I have realized a few things (with a bit
of sarcasm to make the point):

1. If you believe the type of support provided by “Debbie” as portrayed on TV was appropriate, you probably have a child that; hates driving with you back and forth to practice/competitions, now hates cheering, or will soon be taking a year off to try another sport. Just because it comes from love doesn't make it right.
2. What disease did Debbie cure to be so famous? I didn’t realize being the parent of a gifted athlete made you someone everyone should know.
3. There is an old saying, children should be seen and not heard, this should now apply to cheer
parents (except for the 2 ½ minutes of performing). Go back to preferred seating, and let your
kid have the spotlight. You had your time, and now it’s theirs.
4. If you want to provide your child with a once in a life-time opportunity, go to Europe.
5. I just signed a new 2 year contract with T-Mobile. I hope they don’t make me do an adult movie. I hear they own you once you sign one of those contracts.
6. Despite the train wreck the show was, Amanda showed what an amazing kid she is and what
sports and competition SHOULD be about, but people don’t tune in to see that.
7. Serious face. Cheering is headed down a very bad road. I always thought it was the ultimate
team sport. It didn’t matter if you were Maddie, or her base whose parents can never find
a good picture on Jaimie Christian, everyone was equally important. The sport has gotten
increased media attention and has begun promoting individuals. Many parents promote their kids using Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. With cheer magazines and cheer TV, the stakes have been raised to be the center flyer for the right team, giving
extreme moms even more reason to be extreme. People now view cheering as a stepping stone
to fame for the girls/boys and parents. With clothing/sneaker endorsements, full paid bids, TV
exposure, is it surprising gyms offer star athletes extra benefits? Cheerleaders are a step away
from being paid professional athletes, and unlike high school sports with rules against player
benefits, there is no way to control this. The sport is slowly becoming all about self-promotion
for a large portion of the participants.

Sorry for taking up so much of your time but I was on Newbie 72 hour probation and have been dying to comment.
How can you not know who is Gabi or Debbie Butler is? Ask your cheerleaders who Gabi Butler is?
I know your "friends" with the B family and everything but this couldnt sound more conceited if you tried. Im sure the kids at the gym have more worrying issues like the upcoming season than worrying who Gabi or Debbie are!
I know your "friends" with the B family and everything but this couldnt sound more conceited if you tried. Im sure the kids at the gym have more worrying issues like the upcoming season than worrying who Gabi or Debbie are!
conceited? If you were trying to be insulting, you were. I never said they are worrying about who they are? I just know people via my business and they all know who she is. I was stating what I felt was the truth. My daughter sees Gabi as just a kid. She actually relates more to Amanda who is her age.
I really don't know what to say about this are a few of my thoughts. If a film crew followed my daughter and I around for an extended period of time I truly shudder to think what they would capture. On the other hand I am disappointed that this show aired and once again makes cheer look like a caricature of what it really is. It is the focus of these shows that insult me.

I don't doubt that all the things we see on Cheer Perfection and the small clip of Extreme are true to some extent. I can also see how they are edited to produce drama and I resent that. At least CMT Cheer show and WC Twinkles documentary showed the hard word, determination and athleticism that go into the sport of cheer. The road to World's is intense enough without the ugly side which we all know exists. Why do we allow it?

Did Shawn or Nastia's many film clips on their journey to an Olympic come back, show either one of them stomping there feet, swearing or crying after failing to land a dismount. Nope...but I would bet my life that each of them has thrown one hell of a hissy fit at one point in their careers. I bet Nastia's father has sworn at her in Russian and English at some point but out of respect for the sport the media would not show that side of gymnastics. USAG seems to have a better hold on what is shared in the world of gymnastics. The worst you will hear is Komova is a little bit of a diva. However it will never be the focus of the interview, movie or documentary.

THE WRONG THINGS are being focused on in our sport. I hope in the future any gym, athlete or even event producer not sign there rights away when agreeing to film. Make no mistake about it...if there is a demand and there obviously is, there will be another show. All involved need to leave themselves some kind of room to have a say in the final cut of the product. If that means nothing else gets produced then so be it. USASF needs to start marketing themselves better to help the world see cheer as a sport that deserves our respect.

USAG and the FIG seem to be able to have some influence over the media. It's time for our governing body to step up to the plate. USASF is still in it's infancy but I hope they see that this should be a part of their mission statement. Come to think of it does the USASF have a mission statement? A mission statement defines an organization...what it is and its reason for being. I will be on this committee if anyone wants to form one to formulate a mission statement. LOL

Gymnastics' might how an athletes frustration....cheer will often focus on temper tantrums... I guess because it makes for better TV. This really needs to stop. Please can someone make this stop because I really love this sport. <sigh>
No offense, but didn't you think it was entirely possible that was gonna be the case? Haven't we all learned our lesson by everyone else's past mistakes (like the "sports" article on our Raleigh gym, that god awful cheer show-can't remember the name at the moment, all of the actual shows on television about pageants, cheerleading, etc.)? I think this clip kinda sums it up regarding the realm of television..

Obviously there are a couple of good ones-like the CJA show, the CNN special...but they're certainly far and few between. When you sign on the dotted line, I would think you'd at least have an attorney for representation to explain it to you. If you knew the contract was "open ended" as you describe, then you had to have at least made room for the possibility that this would be the case right?
Amen - the whole time I am reading the thread I thought ---who would be dumb enough to do this...then saw what happened by womone involved and proven right. If people DONT DO THIS and it will GO AWAY
After seeing the show, and reading these comments, I will say what I have said before:

Do not appear on reality TV under any circumstances, if you can possibly help it.

I don't know John Butler, his wife or his children, other than what I know of them on this message board. And contrary to popular opinion, I bet if I polled my daughter's youth cheer team *maybe* half the kids would know who ANY of the Butlers are - and that might be generous. I am in no position to call them "bad parents", just as I wasn't in a position to call anyone involved with that Cheer Perfection disaster a "bad" parent.

But when you get involved with reality television, this is part of the game - staged drama, things taken out of context, storylines weaved out of events that didn't happen the way they were presented. If after twenty years of reality TV you don't believe this kind of stuff is the norm, and not the exception, I have a bridge to sell you. I have a friend of a friend who has worked on TV reality shows in the past, and this is pretty much the modus operandi for this type of show.

I understand the desire to want to be on television, the desire to be famous, the desire to have cool experiences or to let your kids have those experiences. It's a powerful force, and it's the force that the reality TV producers are banking on when they try to convince you to be on their shows.

"It'll be a serious show."

"There won't be any pre-scripted drama."

"You won't be asked to do anything you don't want to do."

But they know, when you get on-site and the cameras are rolling, that they can change your mind in a heartbeat. Maybe they even go as far as to do what they allegedly did with the Butlers, which is to suggest that if they didn't go along with their direction that they'd sue them. Whether they could or couldn't is another story, but you're in the moment, you don't have the contract in front of you nor easy access to your lawyer, and you acquiesce.

Is it sleazy? Absolutely. But again, this is how this genre operates and has operated *forever*. There may be shows like CMT's Cheer that appear to be above board, but I suggest those are definitely the exceptions to the rule.

So yeah, I'm somewhat sympathetic to the Butlers' plight, but at the end of the day - like with the CTR folks and Cheer Perfection, I submit that it's caveat emptor. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
I really don't know what to say about this are a few of my thoughts. If a film crew followed my daughter and I around for an extended period of time I truly shudder to think what they would capture. On the other hand I am disappointed that this show aired and once again makes cheer look like a caricature of what it really is. It is the focus of these shows that insult me.

I don't doubt that all the things we see on Cheer Perfection and the small clip of Extreme are true to some extent. I can also see how they are edited to produce drama and I resent that. At least CMT Cheer show and WC Twinkles documentary showed the hard word, determination and athleticism that go into the sport of cheer. The road to World's is intense enough without the ugly side which we all know exists. Why do we allow it?

Did Shawn or Nastia's many film clips on their journey to an Olympic come back, show either one of them stomping there feet, swearing or crying after failing to land a dismount. Nope...but I would bet my life that each of them has thrown one hell of a hissy fit at one point in their careers. I bet Nastia's father has sworn at her in Russian and English at some point but out of respect for the sport the media would not show that side of gymnastics. USAG seems to have a better hold on what is shared in the world of gymnastics. The worst you will hear is Komova is a little bit of a diva. However it will never be the focus of the interview, movie or documentary.

THE WRONG THINGS are being focused on in our sport. I hope in the future any gym, athlete or even event producer not sign there rights away when agreeing to film. Make no mistake about it...if there is a demand and there obviously is, there will be another show. All involved need to leave themselves some kind of room to have a say in the final cut of the product. If that means nothing else gets produced then so be it. USASF needs to start marketing themselves better to help the world see cheer as a sport that deserves our respect.

USAG and the FIG seem to be able to have some influence over the media. It's time for our governing body to step up to the plate. USASF is still in it's infancy but I hope they see that this should be a part of their mission statement. Come to think of it does the USASF have a mission statement? A mission statement defines an organization...what it is and its reason for being. I will be on this committee if anyone wants to form one to formulate a mission statement. LOL

Gymnastics' might how an athletes frustration....cheer will often focus on temper tantrums... I guess because it makes for better TV. This really needs to stop. Please can someone make this stop because I really love this sport. <sigh>
Based on the premise of the show, Extreme Moms will soon be showing other sports in a bad light (assuming they make it to episode #2).