It was one of the sorriest excuses for a show I had ever seen. I was watching Ultimate Dancer while wrapping presents and just left the channel there when I saw it was cheer related. The prize is to be the spokesman /model/whatever for a shoe company I have never heard of (not that that means much) and when I wasn't irritated at a mom, I was flat out bored. When they showed the three "judges" sitting there crammed next to each other, I thought they looked ridiculous. And if I understand correctly, the two girls are from the same gym? It just looked to me as though they walked into the first gym they saw, pulled any two girls off the mat and said "here, compete". There was nothing professional about it in any way as far as I was concerned, it was just a joke. It just seemed very slipshod and thrown together by people who have no clue what it takes to be a part of competitive cheer. And if I understand correctly from previous posts, this was something that had been in development for months - I would never have guessed that from what I saw.