All-Star Fake Social Networking Accounts 2

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Full name Nicole Athena Nortesano
What I find the weirdest thing about this whole thing that came out earlier today is that FierceSport (hasn't been confirmed if Deedle/Nicole behind this one too) is paying a visit to Dallas, apparently to visit Cheer Athletics.
Dallas is the location that the real Nicole Athena is from...
Not to say I told you all so but I TOLD YOU SO. She is sick...she will not change. I don't feel bad that ZTprincess was called out and I am sure she is back on here as someone else by now and I am creeped out about it. Twitter is a perfect forum for her to be an imposter on....sad for all the people she has duped or hurt. AGAIN.
When mental illness meets the Internet.

I ain't got time for all that ;)
About 3 weeks ago, someone stole pictures of my NINE year old daughter and created a bogus Instagram and Kik (what ever that is) I checked the fake Instagram and this person was having full conversations with people pretending to be my elementary school aged kid.. My mind was officially blown! I can say due to some great advice from people knowledgeable on the subject, the fake Instagram was deleted. For the record, if anyone's cp was following acx_madison, IT WAS FAKE....
cljacks99 how did you find that bogus information on your cp? i am not on instagram but am wondering if i should be searching to be sure my child isn't "out there somewhere"??
Actually I found out on twitter. I saw one of my cp's friends tweets that said, "everyone go follow acx_madison" with a picture of my daughter attached. My cp's friend was completely shocked when she found out that the Instagram was fake... The strangest thing was, my cp's coaches were even following the fake Instagram. It was such a mess :(
THIS is why my future child isn't allowed access to any types of 'social networking' sites until she's at least 13, monitored or no. The less photos, videos, info in GENERAL that's out there about my future offspring, the better. ALL of that stuff is fodder for a potential imposter. Just because you THINK you control it, doesn't mean you do..I google my name all the time, and only so much comes up- but I can easily get info about other people who share my name too.
THIS is why my future child isn't allowed access to any types of 'social networking' sites until she's at least 13, monitored or no. The less photos, videos, info in GENERAL that's out there about my future offspring, the better. ALL of that stuff is fodder for a potential imposter. Just because you THINK you control it, doesn't mean you do..I google my name all the time, and only so much comes up- but I can easily get info about other people who share my name too.
The only reason I considered allowing my daughter to have a Facebook was because we had to leave our former gym. Facebook gave her a way to stay in touch with the girls that were like family to her. I do monitor it very closely. I check it several times a day. I don't allow her to accept friend requests, I do it for her. My cp also really struggles in reading and grammar. Trying to get her to read is like pulling teeth. Believe it or not, facebook has really helped her reading scores improve. I completely respect your point of view on the topic. I just wanted to explain mine :)
THIS is why my future child isn't allowed access to any types of 'social networking' sites until she's at least 13, monitored or no. The less photos, videos, info in GENERAL that's out there about my future offspring, the better. ALL of that stuff is fodder for a potential imposter. Just because you THINK you control it, doesn't mean you do..I google my name all the time, and only so much comes up- but I can easily get info about other people who share my name too.
I hate how young kids are now when they get social networking accounts. I was at a hockey game the other day and I heard a man say to his sons friend "hey nick, how was your Christmas?" Little Nick replies "GREAT!! I got a laptop!" This kid was about 10 years old. When did I get my own laptop? When I turned 18 and went to college...

The same boy was also talking about "face booking" something after the game.
Both mine have Instagram and Facebook, my son has twitter and my daughter Pinterest. I follow/and friended with them and check in often to monitor. I get the percentage of weirdos out there, but I'm not willing to digitally ground my kids from their interests (when they haven't done anything wrong and I'm monitoring what they are doing) permanently because of those people. I refuse to live in the negative fears of "what if."

If that we're the case, I'd homeschool my kids, wrap them in an anti-bacterial bubble, refuse to let my son behind the wheel next year (of a car, I'm actually less worried when he's flying planes) I surely wouldn't be supporting his quest to go to the US Air Force Academy and potentially come home in a box from his future career, and wouldn't allow them to cheer for it being listed as one of the most dangerous sports.

...and even with all those precautions who's to say we don't get struck by lightning anyway.

I choose to live, live smart and deal with the rest because what doesn't kill you...makes you stronger.
I in no way judge anyone's parenting- what you do with your kids is your business (barring, you know, abuse and such :P). I'm not saying I won't let them on the internet, I just won't allow them individual access to social networking sites- most of which, for as long as I checked, banned you if you weren't 13 anyway. Personally, I'd rather take the lazy-safe approach of not having to monitor anything, rather than feeling like I had to have strict protocols and stuff.

When I grew up, my computer was in our dining room where my mom could check up on us all the time. It didn't move downstairs to the basement til I was 10 or so, then moved up to the landing by my room when I was 13. At which point we could each go on at 1 hr intervals. I think my mum did ok by us..
I in no way judge anyone's parenting- what you do with your kids is your business (barring, you know, abuse and such :P). I'm not saying I won't let them on the internet, I just won't allow them individual access to social networking sites- most of which, for as long as I checked, banned you if you weren't 13 anyway. Personally, I'd rather take the lazy-safe approach of not having to monitor anything, rather than feeling like I had to have strict protocols and stuff.

When I grew up, my computer was in our dining room where my mom could check up on us all the time. It didn't move downstairs to the basement til I was 10 or so, then moved up to the landing by my room when I was 13. At which point we could each go on at 1 hr intervals. I think my mum did ok by us..

The Internet was different when we were younger though. The worst we had was AIM. I'd like to think I would do what you're saying, but it's easier said than done when you're not actually in that situation and all of their friends have a fb or twitter. So I dunno, we'll see, but I will be closely monitoring it.
I in no way judge anyone's parenting- what you do with your kids is your business (barring, you know, abuse and such :p). I'm not saying I won't let them on the internet, I just won't allow them individual access to social networking sites- most of which, for as long as I checked, banned you if you weren't 13 anyway. Personally, I'd rather take the lazy-safe approach of not having to monitor anything, rather than feeling like I had to have strict protocols and stuff.

When I grew up, my computer was in our dining room where my mom could check up on us all the time. It didn't move downstairs to the basement til I was 10 or so, then moved up to the landing by my room when I was 13. At which point we could each go on at 1 hr intervals. I think my mum did ok by us..
totally off subject but you say mum, are you British? sounds like she did just fine :) but its def not easy keeping control of the internet access.
I hate how young kids are now when they get social networking accounts. I was at a hockey game the other day and I heard a man say to his sons friend "hey nick, how was your Christmas?" Little Nick replies "GREAT!! I got a laptop!" This kid was about 10 years old. When did I get my own laptop? When I turned 18 and went to college...

The same boy was also talking about "face booking" something after the game.

I didn't have a cell phone till I went into 9th grade, regardless of how much I begged, and it was a crappy little cell phone (granted, 2006 cell phones were a little less advanced). Now I go to a family Christmas and my 8 year old cousin is playing on HIS iPhone 5. Wasn't there a movie, or some book, or some famous quotes or something that talked about the dangers of becoming too advanced and reliant on technology? Like really famous quote? That's how I feel the world is becoming.
Also just to add this in here to all the parents who have their kids on Facebook y'all know they can hide things from you right?

Just sayin sometimes just because your friends on Facebook doesn't mean you can see everything. So you may have to do what my father did and kick me off the computer and go through my account while still signed in..
I didn't have a cell phone till I went into 9th grade, regardless of how much I begged, and it was a crappy little cell phone (granted, 2006 cell phones were a little less advanced). Now I go to a family Christmas and my 8 year old cousin is playing on HIS iPhone 5. Wasn't there a movie, or some book, or some famous quotes or something that talked about the dangers of becoming too advanced and reliant on technology? Like really famous quote? That's how I feel the world is becoming.
I didn't get my first phone until I was in 7th grade, it was a huge hand-me-down flip phone from my brother. I only got it so I could call if I needed a ride home from school and stuff. And I had to share it with my two sisters. I didn't get my on phone with textin until 9th grade. My little cousin (10) got her own iPad for Christmas (she got an iTouch either last year or the year before). But this is okay because "she's only child and has no kids to play with in the neighborhood and when her mom works from home she can't even talk to her during the day" Personally I don't agree. I'm pretty sure there was a quote like you said, but I can't remember it.

ETA: I hate when parents say it's okay for their 8 year old to have a iPad because they blocked the Internet. Kids aren't dumb and it's not that hard to unblock that kind of thing.