With phones, I got one in 6th grade, with texting, and then a smart phone in 8th grade, but it was stolen. My replacement was a slider phone with a keyboard, and I had it up until this summer when I got another smart phone. I had my own computer when I was like 9, but it was used for gaming, and internet didn't come till much later. During that time I used my parents computer. When I was younger, social networks were fairly new, as was the internet as it is now. My parents didn't allow social networks, because back then there was To Catch a Predator and their fear was me being kidnapped, so they hated my picture being up. As I entered Middle school, it became about bullying. And that is why I don't have FB or anything like that because I had some issues with it in the past.
But this could happen to any beautiful girl, like I said earlier with my friend. I hate to sound vain but the more 'attractive' you are, the more likely someone will target you. I have another friend who is Tumblr famous, but she has had no problems like the other one, whose face is all over the internet and has people begging to look like her.