All-Star Fake Social Networking Accounts 2

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Did they have those 10-4 walkie talkie phones in the US? That clicked when you opened and shut them? Because those were literally the tea when I was in like... grade 6 jealous of all the kids who got them.

Yes, the Nextel phones - "beep beep" phones as we called them. One year my dad got us some random AT&T phone that had push to talk and we were all like "but it's not the same thing dad!"

Now that I think about it, I don't know why I would want my phone beep-beeping all the time like a walkie talkie.
The Internet was different when we were younger though. .

Ashley, thank you!! You made my day!!

When I was younger.........only a select few were accepted into the 'business' classes at my high school. This was the only way anyone kid would even see a computer. Shoot, you wouldn't believe it but I took my typing class on a typwritter that weighs close to 15lbs or so.

Ashley, thank you!! You made my day!!

When I was younger.........only a select few were accepted into the 'business' classes at my high school. This was the only way anyone kid would even see a computer. Shoot, you wouldn't believe it but I took my typing class on a typwritter that weighs close to 15lbs or so.

Ha. I knew as soon as I typed that, someone would comment about how they didn't even have Internet when they were a kid. I'm only 25, but still, things have changed immensely in the past 10 years.
now im feeling a little stupid for ever believing they're both real.. look at these tweets..

fiercesport Cheer is Everything
@Nicolle_Athena don't get snappy with me miss Kim Kardashian honey. Just cause you have a wip double whip double double


fiercesport Cheer is Everything
@Nicolle_Athena I wonder what it's like to be as gorgeous as you and a millionaire like you and have your tumbling

who would tweet that?!
I connected "Nicolle" with the honey boo boo cheer twitter @misshoneycheer awhile ago because they tweeted at her the same way fierce sport does. This was before I knew "Nicolle" was a fake I just thought she was a snob..
The Internet was different when we were younger though. The worst we had was AIM. I'd like to think I would do what you're saying, but it's easier said than done when you're not actually in that situation and all of their friends have a fb or twitter. So I dunno, we'll see, but I will be closely monitoring it.

AOL used to have a Cheerleading Chatroom...and message board... circa 1997-2000.

I wonder how many people from here remember those days...because I definitely recognize some of fierceboarders from there... I'm not naming names.

It used to get pretty vicious around those parts....late at night. Girl went cray talking about her tick tock arabesque once.

This was back before AOL let anyone on AIM
but...I really thought I was the stuff with my hot pink pager!! :cool:

ok...back to the fake accounts.
With phones, I got one in 6th grade, with texting, and then a smart phone in 8th grade, but it was stolen. My replacement was a slider phone with a keyboard, and I had it up until this summer when I got another smart phone. I had my own computer when I was like 9, but it was used for gaming, and internet didn't come till much later. During that time I used my parents computer. When I was younger, social networks were fairly new, as was the internet as it is now. My parents didn't allow social networks, because back then there was To Catch a Predator and their fear was me being kidnapped, so they hated my picture being up. As I entered Middle school, it became about bullying. And that is why I don't have FB or anything like that because I had some issues with it in the past.

But this could happen to any beautiful girl, like I said earlier with my friend. I hate to sound vain but the more 'attractive' you are, the more likely someone will target you. I have another friend who is Tumblr famous, but she has had no problems like the other one, whose face is all over the internet and has people begging to look like her.
Why do I feel so old...I remember when cell phones came out. In a bag!!!! or they were built into your car. Bahahaha!!
Sadly I remember this as well :( . Also remember using a portable word processor (that is all it did) that was made with a steel housing and weighed around 20 pounds. :confused:
Sadly I remember this as well :( . Also remember using a portable word processor (that is all it did) that was made with a steel housing and weighed around 20 pounds. :confused:
I remember when my mom got the model of cell phone that was the first colored screen and camera. I took it off the charger one morning and brought it to school and said it was mine and everyone thought I was SO cool. I was 7... I didn't know any better.... Okay maybe I did. But still...:rolleyes:
I had to carry around a pager back in my days of home health nursing...always hated getting the #911 after the office paged me to call them ...never meant anything good. But that is the only code I knew lol