Here's what I know:
There was a girl on here who posted under a username. She was really smart about stuff, and I liked her in the sense that I like most fierceboard posters. I agreed with many things she said. That person is now gone. Period. End of story. I quite frankly don't care too much about who she was, unless she swindled people out of money or goods. Or stole somebody's boyfriend or attacked a child. If you feel differently, that is YOUR personal interaction which has no bearing on mine, nor on my feelings. Do I feel sorrow at your pain? Yes. But I will not bring judgment down on a person continuously for a crime they've paid their internet sentence for, and probably will continue to do so for ages, if The Board has anything to say on it. We are done, please. I'd like to move on with my life, and maybe now that you've all said your piece, we can all do so as well.