I hope ztaprincess comes back. I will miss her viewpoints, her insight and her wit. While I agree that moral fiber doesn't change much over time, can I propose another scenario? What if....
What if Whoadeedle started this charade the first time out of boredom or loneliness or for some other reason. Maybe even a malicious one. And maybe she got herself in so deep because she wanted to sustain the wonderful friendships that came about by sharing a common interest. And what if she got herself in so deep that the excuses had to continue to get more dramatic because she was being herded into a corner where she had to constantly come up with a reason why she could never be seen. If she had told the truth then would you have forgiven her? If she tried to come clean here she would have been ripped up and fed to the coyotes. Anyone that was around the boards then knows there is no denying that. It would have been brutal.
Then she was outed. And maybe it was only after she LOST all of those friendships and the camaraderie she had on the board she really recognized what it was she had destroyed. Look at the relationships that have been formed here amongst all of us that couldn't have happened anywhere but here. What if you did something stupid and threw those all away? Would you try to repair them? Would you be afraid to come forward with the truth?
So maybe Ztaprincess appears on the scene and really wants to be a different person - herself. I don't remember her in this persona ever even claiming to be a cheerleader (although we all assumed it because of her knowledge). I don't recall her sharing anything personal at all, ever pretending to be anything.
What if...what if her posts in this thread were her attempt to make amends? To help educate others on what allows people like Whoadeedle to be successful in invading your privacy. I went back and read her posts in this thread and got a different message this time through.
cheercurl and others that formed what they thought were close relationships with Whoadeedle, I think all of us can understand how much it hurt to find out that someone you invested in emotionally had fed you such a huge pack of lies. I do know I am very slow to forgive betrayal by a friend and doubt I would ever forgive this. I don't think that any of us are trying to undermine your feelings when we say we will miss ztaprincess. We will miss her - we didn't know Whoadeedle, et al.
Or maybe it's just the pain pills from the dentist making me be nice. ;-)