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Sorry, but that's a lousy reason for not apologizing. No one should hesitate to apologize to someone out of fear they won't be forgiven. Apologies aren't given for the person at fault to receive a peace of mind. There needs to be some kind of acknowledgment that the person realizes they messed up and they feel bad about it, regardless of the outcome of doing so.

Who did whoadeedle pretend to be?

What I'm getting from this is that they pretended to be a made up person. Not exactly a real life, human flesh person, but a made personality if that makes sense?

But I'm a little confused on this argument. Is the problem that ZTA has been hiding behind this account, not telling anyone that they were Whoadeedle? Is it that people called them out on it and people believe that shouldn't have been done? Or is it the fact that even though she continued to post on here and knew how upset her "friends" still were, she didn't give an apology?

I'd rather hear from someone involved in the situation, not a random person who wasn't even on the boards then (like myself) give me an answer
I hate that everyone is referring to ZTAprincess as ZTA... my cousin is a member of ZTA and all I keep thinking about is the sorority.......

But on another note, I understand not wanting to accept her apology, My real father is a dead beat dad and if he wanted to come and apologize after all these years of lying and pretending he was my "dad" I wouldn't accept his apology.

NOTE: I am a real person, I do use different IP's though because I tend to check in at work and home! (However, my IP address at home states that I live in Macedon when I really live in Albion, NY and thats a whole hour away!).... I do not have a Facebook or Twitter or MySpace (I work in a Police Station, I don't want those people looking me up). I used to, also, when I had a picture of twins as my profile picture on here that was not my ultrasound, it was one I got off google similar to my ultrasound because my ultrasound contained personal information that I don't want shared anywhere (you have no idea how easy it is to steal a persons identity with just a name and birthdate and doctors name) and I won't ever post pictures of my kids because I'm paranoid of sexual predators. But if anyone wants proof of my so called "realness" I would be happy to provide it. For those of you just getting to know me as I am just starting to really post on here my name is Chrissy (really christina but I go by Chrissy), Im 21 years old and I have 2 kids and I am married. When I first joined I was a Professional Piercer and lived in Binghamton, moved because my husband got a better job offer. My cousin also used to post on here a lot back in the day and she explained to me the whole story about whoadeedle A/K/A ZTAprincess.
What I'm getting from this is that they pretended to be a made up person. Not exactly a real life, human flesh person, but a made personality if that makes sense?

But I'm a little confused on this argument. Is the problem that ZTA has been hiding behind this account, not telling anyone that they were Whoadeedle? Is it that people called them out on it and people believe that shouldn't have been done? Or is it the fact that even though she continued to post on here and knew how upset her "friends" still were, she didn't give an apology?

I'd rather hear from someone involved in the situation, not a random person who wasn't even on the boards then (like myself) give me an answer
This is not intended to be snippy....I'm pretty sure it will come across that way. I really don't mean it like that. That being said...

If you weren't personally effected by it (and I was not) I don't think the details of is particular issue are any of anyone's business....hence the reason I haven't weighed in with any doesn't effect me, hence it's not my business and I'm keeping my nose out of it.

I'd say, take the whole thing as a lesson that people on the Internet are not always what they seem, put on your big girl/boy pants and make your own decisions with a little more ammunition and general understanding about what can/can not happen when you're engaged with people you haven't actually met and/or seen. You can learn from the situation without knowing every tiny detail about other peoples' lives.

As to this particular situation, if you weren't invovlved personally, I don't see where seeking out information about it, talking about it in grand sweeping discussions and/or making public judgements (for or against the details) is anything other than stirring the pot of drama.

In short if it didn't have anything to do with you (you being in general terms) mind your own business.

Again, there was no way to say that without it sounding is really not intended to be that way....I'm just not diplomatic enough to figure out how to say it the right way.
This is not intended to be snippy....I'm pretty sure it will come across that way. I really don't mean it like that. That being said...

If you weren't personally effected by it (and I was not) I don't think the details of is particular issue are any of anyone's business....hence the reason I haven't weighed in with any doesn't effect me, hence it's not my business and I'm keeping my nose out of it.

I'd say, take the whole thing as a lesson that people on the Internet are not always what they seem, put on your big girl/boy pants and make your own decisions with a little more ammunition and general understanding about what can/can not happen when you're engaged with people you haven't actually met and/or seen. You can learn from the situation without knowing every tiny detail about other peoples' lives.

As to this particular situation, if you weren't invovlved personally, I don't see where seeking out information about it, talking about it in grand sweeping discussions and/or making public judgements (for or against the details) is anything other than stirring the pot of drama.

In short if it didn't have anything to do with you (you being in general terms) mind your own business.

Again, there was no way to say that without it sounding is really not intended to be that way....I'm just not diplomatic enough to figure out how to say it the right way.

You know what I think is stirring the pot of drama? Rather than just flat out calling out ZTA, those who knew posted a bunch of cryptic, veiled messages, and then denied that their posts implied anything. Which is a joke, because it's obvious exactly what those innuendos meant. Then there was this little clique of people who were clearly all in the know who continued to talk in code, like a bunch of high school girls whispering behind someone's back in the hallway. They might have acted as if they didn't want to know what was going on, but it's obvious that they loved being in on this little inside joke and were just waiting for people to guess what they were talking about. It's the whole "we know something and we're not going to tell you" attitude that was obnoxious and childish. This is exactly the mob mentality that Kristen posted about a few pages ago.

My favorite part in all of this was when ZTAPrincess came in and denied it all and said she gave proof to DJ. Her exact quote was "He gave me instructions and gave me 30 minutes to do it and I did do it." Really? REALLY? Or what? He would spill the beans? How self important do you have to think you are to give someone an ultimatum like that?

I can't speak for anyone else, but that's what I'm frustrated about in this whole situation. I don't really care that they outed her, my opinion of her hasn't changed. I understand that they were hurt and scorned and truly believed they needed to point out her hypocrisy. Whatever, fine, so go ahead and do it. But do it like adults, don't post cryptic, passive-aggressive messages. It's annoying when people do it on Twitter and Facebook and it's annoying when people do it here. They basically acted no better than any of the newbies that we berate on here. That's why they're being called childish and catty and mean girls, and that's what pisses me off about this whole situation. I'm not the only one who lost respect for some of these so-called "veteran" posters in all of this.
I am a "veteran" poster. I participated in none of what you are talking about. So don't call me out in this crap. You can lose respect all you want, but I want to say that it was unforgettable having someone you liked and cared about post a 30-plus page thread from her hospital bed where she had donated her kidney to her dear brother. She was so damned brave and giving. Just whipping out that kidney, and oh by the way, I can't make meeting you people. She practically had it excised online. Oh the sympathy we gave her. ZTA just did a better job of not leading people on, so no kidneys had to be donated to dig herself out of a hole. I am sorry, but you just don't reinvent yourself from the grave and expect to be embraced. My dad had a crude expression he used on the farm that went along the lines of "don't s**t in your own pond."
As far as I'm aware, the ORIGINAL intent of this thread was to shut down facebook pages/twitter accounts/formsprings that were pretending to be people they weren't. The names of the creators of those pages were never mentioned (So Suzy Cheer wasn't outed, but if she created a fake profile, it was shut down), nor did we know if there was any way to discover that. As long as you are not currently pretending to be someone you aren't (ie Me pretending to be Kristen Stewart), it is NOT hypocritical for you to be posting fake profiles to get shut down. You may be fabricating stuff about your own life, but that is NOT the same as pretending to be another living human being.

And yes, I think there is definitely a mob mentality on the boards between groups of posters. Something that I do believe frustrates many a new poster on here or those who feel marginalized by said posters. And yes, that can lead to feelings of being bullied. Maybe they should suck it up, but that doesn't give the people initiating free reign to continue. It's like when my brother was 5 and felt free to hit me in the face as often as he liked, but then would go cry to my mom the moment I swung back.
Thanks for posting this! I have been wanting to say something about this for a while. Most of you don't know me on the board, but I have been around reading since back in the ProX days. I don't post much, but my daughter has been cheering for 9 years now, so I come to the board to keep up with what is going on in the cheer world.

I have always been bothered by the mob mentality you mentioned that seems to be aimed at new posters...and in my opinion it is a little like bullying. Yes, I know they are new and sometimes ask stupid questions and say stupid things, but do they really deserved to be pounced on and made to feel like they should just go away? Has anyone stopped to think that some of these new posters are kids....the actually cheerleaders that give this board a reason to exist? Or the parents of a new cheerleader who know very little about the sport?

My 15 year old daughter has told me she wants a fierce board account, and I have told her no. She is the youngest of my 5 kids, and being a 15 year old, she is still immature and undoubtedly does and says immature things (she's a kid, and that's what they frustrating as it is, enjoy it while you can, because they grow up way too fast). She WILL ask stupid questions or say stupid things, she WILL get blasted by board members, she WILL feel horrible, and she WILL feel like she isn't wanted here.

All I am asking or hoping for is just a little more tolerance...for adults, for kids, for whoever comes here and wants to know something about or has something to say about the sport we all love.
I'M hypothetically a veteran poster (3 years ish? Does that make me a veteran now? :D) and calling myself out on my own poop.

Do I know what went on? In a vague sense I did. I think I joined towards the tail end of the drama, so even if I WAS here, I wasn't well-known enough to be involved with anyone on the boards (in the sense of people wanting to talk with me about stuff outside of cheer things lol) for someone to explain, or for me to get wrapped up in making real-life friends here (It helps I live in an inaccessible area lol). Many people DON'T understand/know what happened, but every time people make a 'deedle' joke, you're going to have a LOT of people asking about it. A LOT of people dragging it back up. If you DON'T want that, we probably shouldn't make those jokes anymore, or make a group answer to it that is as succinct as possible. As a person going through the emotional destruction of what a truly horrendous and sick betrayal can do, what gives me hope is reminding myself that my story can inspire others to be a bit more cautious of the danger. If it can give you peace, your story has done just that.

As for the 'mob mentality', that is, again, the board on the whole, irrelevant of thread. If you insist you don't do that, make sure you don't. There's more than one mob, after all :D (Mine's the Italian one- with a name like 'Dino', you BET my dad's in it)
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