There is nothing more that drives me crazy than teams faking tricks. As if they're actually fooling anyone. HELLO!!! WE CAN SEE YOU. As a judge, I make it a point to clearly point it out on their score sheet and always note that there are other skills that can be performed by the other team members. A stunt, toss, other standing/running tumbling (i.e. BHS, PF, BWO, etc.) can be added. That way, you are using ALL team members. You will still have majority performing the intended skill, but at least you are covering more bases by throwing something else in.
In addition, it looks terrible when a team throws standing tucks and the back row does tuck jumps. It's just visually unapealing, especially since the height difference is usually so much lower and you can clearly see what they are doing.
My advice to coaches is, use the skills you have to your advantage, and do it well. Don't try to fool the judges. It can hurt your final score in the end. JMHO.