Of all of the Jr Coed 5 teams I saw this year (in Dallas, and in several other comps we went to) had the biggest impression made on me by fellow Virginian's -Fame "The J5". Really wish they would have gone to Dallas because they would have really stacked up well against the heavyweights in Lg Jr Coed 5, in my opinion. Mad respect for UA Dynasty as well, going from 6th to 1st at NCA is a moment those kids will remember forever :) Other fav Jco's were NJSE- superb stunting and GA The timewarp dance - aah! I couldnt contain myself during that part of their routine! Of course, I have to give a shout out to my cp's team ASL J5 as well, kind of a growing year for this young team, but they definitely had some high moments this season they can be really proud of! I'm feeling these kids are gonna continue to evolve and be fantastic in the future! <3