All-Star Favorite Uniforms Of The Past?

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Nov 7, 2010
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I know theres a thread on new uniforms, so i thought maybe we should make a thread about old unis or present unis that arent new? Whats some of all of your personal favorite past or present uniforms? I know for me, World Cup Twinkles are one of my favorites. I think the should strap and the shorts are done just right. Post pics if you want!
GT's white unis, KE's worn with the black bows, f5's zebra uni right before the switch to GK (even though the GK's look great)
World Cup Shooting Stars old one, Cheer Athletics Jags 07 with the white skirts<3 & every Twist & Shout Senior Coed uniform.
The world cup shooting stars 2007-2010!!!! I love those uniforms they are so cute and they go perfect with their colors.
F5s zebra ones.
Top Gun's black GK's, WCSS, and Cheer Athletics.
Stingrays white ones when they were still apart of the united stingray
Every F5 one since 2004
Kentucky Elite 2001 with the simple orange K on it and the 2003 coed uniform
Top Gun 2004 tube top
World Cup SS 2005-06
WCSS uni, top gun unlimited (pre worlds), and f5s unis from last year. I like the ones they have this year, but I like the previous years better. I also like All Star Legacy's uniforms for their level 3 and up teams in 07. And the old Cheer Express uniforms. I like the ones they have this year too, but I love the classic unis.
On another note, cheer athletics unis from this year are so fierce.
i absolutely adored georgia's doctor doctor and bride&groom uniforms that year they had themes
also that year that top gun or world cup had their girls wearing tight spandex shorts and in their music it said who wears short shorts
Old sparkly GA ones...and the old Lites ones that said "World Cup Starlites" on them.