What I'm saying is (sorry I always take so long to get to the point) but maybe she could benefit from maybe a tumble class elsewhere. Anyways regardless of wether you do that or not I'm sure she will come around. She seems awesome and hey tucks would scare me too! Good luck to her and let us know how it goes!
I could not agree with this post more.
For the past three years I have had a mental block on my tuck. I gained my tuck four years ago when I was in 8th grade. I cheered for my middle school then as well and threw my tuck on the dead mat at games all the time.
At cheerleading tryouts for high school the next year, I knew I had an excellent chance of making varsity because I could tumble well. In warm ups and the tryout days I threw my tuck fine but when it came down to the actual tryout the nerves got to me and I busted twice, slightly injuring my knee as well. I did end up making varsity despite the tumbling bust. However, I began to get nervous when I did my tuck after that though I still pulled them every once in a while.
Fast forward to our first competition of the year, the regional competition. This is THE biggest competition of the year in terms of people you know being there, it's at a high school in the district, so you see your cheer friends from other high schools and it is always packed to the max. The week before this competition, our star flyer/tumbler sprained her ankle throwing a full and was unable to tumble or jump. The next best tumbler on the squad was me so I became last pass for tumbling. Which put a LOT of pressure on me not only as last pass but as one of two freshmen on the squad competing for the first time in high school. I threw my tuck fine in warm ups but when I went out on the floor my nerves were all over the place and as known from previous experiences, I don't do well with nerves when tumbling. So my fear of that led me to not pull my tuck at all, only a robhs. I was devestated. I felt like I was such a failure and that I let my team down, no matter what anyone said, I was so upset with myself.
Since then I have just not had the confidence to pull my tuck at all. I have tried multiple coaches, my old allstar gym, a new gym where we did choreography camp for school, everything. Nothing worked.
Then I found out about this gym about 45 minutes away from me that was having open workouts, two hours a day, four days a week for $50. That is a great deal so I went with a new friend of mine and LOVED it. The coaches there, the girls, the facility, the atmosphere and everything was incredible. In just two weeks they had me throwing my tuck again on my own and I now regularly attend tumbling classes there.
The new environment was exactly what I needed and I'm so glad I found this gym.
(Holy long post, Batman. Sorry!)