here are some pictures of my selfmade full up machine. it seemed a great product to me, but it was too expensive, not only the machine but also the shipping to europe. especially because once you get how to do it, you wont use it anymore. it might not be that fancy, but it works ok.
I bought the wooden construction at ikea, but I guess someone handy can easily built it himself, its two wooden boards connected in a way it can spin, than i sticked those black stripes on it, this is anti-skid tape, so they wont slip off while spinning.
the flyer must place her foot in the middle of the board en push off to spin, the second foot must be placed close to the first foot, otherwise the board will stop spinning, so its good to help the flyer keep her feet well togheter. I let the spotter stand behind the flyer to stop her spin. it also helped the spotter understand when to grab the flyer during the stunt. before the board she was always late.
to test it, I made one flyer try a full up without practising on the board first, it went wrong, she didnt fully spin and didnt place her feet right. the first few times on the board she didnt do it righ either, she didnt stand up tight so her bodyweight moved to one place, making the board stop before she fully spinned. than after a while she did it right and we tried again doing to full up stunt and she inmediatly did it right!