All-Star Funny things your coaches say!

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My CP tor her hamstring 50% of the way through (with horrible scar tissue surrounding every tear). She was out for about 4 months, complete with PT sessions 3 times a week. She was NOT a happy camper not being abel to practice, with her team. She begged her coaches to let her fly. Bucky told her she could fly again when her Dr. allowed it. lol She's back, and her scorp is almost back to what it used to be.
My coaches favorite saying all yr was... "god u guys look like a hot mess!" now go do it again, or I will beat u! This same coach couldn't come to cheerpsort so when she said that at the end of our last practice that week, we knew she really would!
oh i forgot to add.. Idk if you all know who rip hamilton is but he's a basketball player that wears a face mask and over the summer I broke my nose so I have to wear one too... well my nickname to everyone in the gym now is Rip. hahaa
oh i forgot to add.. Idk if you all know who rip hamilton is but he's a basketball player that wears a face mask and over the summer I broke my nose so I have to wear one too... well my nickname to everyone in the gym now is Rip. hahaa
that happened to a girl last year and then this year too haha the first girl wore for like half the season
that happened to a girl last year and then this year too haha the first girl wore for like half the season
yeah i had to wear mine every practice for 3 months. now i only wear it when we're learning a new stunt or i get a flyer i've never backed before.
yeah i had to wear mine every practice for 3 months. now i only wear it when we're learning a new stunt or i get a flyer i've never backed before.
Yeah she has to wear it every time we stunt, it's got rhinestones on it too haha
You have to be committed to your tumbling pass or you'll end up roadkill on the mat! -Keith Bagwell from Aviator Allstars :) The thing is now - ever since he said it - everytime we see an animal squashed on the of us says..."Hmmm, that squirrel was not committed to it's tumbling pass."

Hilarious. We love Keith!
Oh! Or this one from last year. Keith said it to my son and before you get all was FUNNY...even my son laughed because it was well-placed and he deserved it! He was whining about nothing.

He was whining about something on him hurting (can't remember what but it was miniscule) during the team meeting and Keith comes out with...."You want me to go to McDonald's and get you a supersize straw so you can suck it up?"

I DIED laughing. It was so well done. Even my son laughed about it. <3 Keith!
@CIAgiraffe - just you wait, one of these days one of you is going to say "y'all" , we southerners (and especially Texans)tend to infect/improve -take your pick- those we are around:p. Do they also use the term "fixin to", as in "I'm fixin to do that right now."
Our entire parent section groaned when our little ones first learned the club cheer. It's A-V-I-A-T-O-R, the Pride of Carolina, we are Aviator! Now put the twangiest, slowest southern drawl you can imagine on the A's and the I and you got it. It was cute...but lawd! we had to fix that before it got on stage :)

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