Oh ok, I guess that makes sense. We didn't have an AB Calc option, but we did some of the beginning of AB my junior year, if I remember correctly. (And this was over 10 years ago, so I'm probably not). I did geometry in 9th grade, algebra 2 in 10th, ???? in 11th (it wasn't called pre-calc, but it more or less was), and AP in 12th.
ETA: I just looked up the course listing for my old hs and it looks like they offer AB Calc now too. And the math class for 11th graders is apparently called "Differential Calculus" even though it's not an AP class .... wait I remember now. 11th grade had some precalc and covered SOME of AB, but not enough to take the test. So we finished AB and did BC senior year.
ETA2: And it looks like they now offer a Dual Enrollment option for some courses with a nearby(ish) college