As a parent, Disney every 2-4 years is a blast (kids like different things at different ages and seem to experience something wonderful for the first time every trip because they've finally become the age that they can enjoy it). Disney *every year* however, would get old really quick.
Last time we were there I felt that the most annoying thing was how you can't walk 10 feet in any park w/o the person in front of you stopping to take a picture, or worrying about being in the background of someone else's picture that they are taking! Yeah - I get that you're in Disney, but are you here to enjoy yourself or are you on a mission to make a photographic documentary for all of your social media followers??? It doesn't seem like other vacation destinations are so filled w/ people taking photos every 5 feet. Walking down mainstreet USA or anywhere in Epcot is the worst for the photo crazy people.