I think it makes sense to limit Summit to seniors/higher level teams just so there’s something to work towards/look forward to moving forward (I’d hate to tell a Youth 4 that they can’t go to Summit when there are so many competitions where they’re the only one in their division). I don’t see much reason for a Y1 or J1 of mostly kids new to the sport to go, when they have years before they age out to get to that level. And maybe requiring less expense for beginners would keep more people in the sport longer. There are a few D2 gyms in our area that don’t have non-prep teams below level 3, and that makes sense to me. You could still do US finals or one big travel comp (like UCA Intl, if you want Disney) as a grand finale to the season.
On the wildcard thing, not accepting wildcards means, around here, not doing the local comps that don’t require a hotel stay. I think I would rather see a season of mostly one day, Saturday only competitions that can be driven to that morning, with a plan of needing to be at Summit a day earlier than a bunch of 2 day, often Stay to Play that usually require three nights of hotel, minimum, and missing two days of school to accommodate travel due to distance.