I agree with you at some point. IMO, when you commit, you should finish. Example: I coached at a gym where I was MISERABLE, but I left at the END of the season, despite me wanting to leave immediatley. Also, as a coach - There are often several BEHIND THE SCENE things happening that make situations more sticky. Often when kids leave a gym, there is more to the story. If I had a kid leaving because they were moving - Easy - I would release them. If I had a kid that left my gym midseason to go to my competitor down the street - No - I would not release them.
I just this week had a level 5 athlete leave our program to go to another program because the other program offered them a scholarship. Nothing we did was wrong, other then we charged them our normal tuition and comp fees that other kids pay. If I had the choice - NO, I would not release this kid to cheer elsewhere for the season.
I understand the "we pay so we can do whatever we want" arguement - but it sounds like you are an athlete or parent. If you need to leave you gym midseason because you arent happy - You should have decided that in the summer or before the first competition. We start our "new season" in May and competitions start in November. You have May, June, July, August, September, October - Thats SIX MONTHS to decide if you like where you are at. How is 6 months with the same coaches, same teammates, etc not enough time to know if you can commit for the season?!