All-Star Gt Pink

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Please lets clear this up..I can tell you the team as a whole, DOES NOT like it, and it is being reworked

It took them several days to have it grow on them but that is not that same as liking or loving it.

Yeah I read it on a twitter from someone on the team and others within the gym that the team didn't like it and that parts of it are actually cut from one of the younger gymtyme team's music. Maybe I shouldn't have said hate and instead dislike but the words I saw to describe it were "hate".
I love the mix so I don't think my posting what is obvious by comments made by members of the team and gym is being rude or "silly". Again I am sad that they are getting a reworked mix because I like it, but I am sure that JR will once again put out another great mix. Now I want to hear Black and Nfinity's music.
wcdad, the context in which I was speaking was saying that it's not useful or necessary to say something like that. I can't speak for every individual on the team, although several girls on Pink have outspokenly praised the mix, and some have made their negative opinions known... but like I said... the majority of the overall feedback is unreal positive, and I'm commending JR on a phenomenal track. Yes, revisions can be made to tweak a team's style/likes dislikes, and that's the nature of the beast... doesn't take away from the track itself.

ETA: ZTA princess, i wasn't referring to your comments as silly... I was referring to people saying things like certain sections make them puke... etc.
wcdad, the context in which I was speaking was saying that it's not useful or necessary to say something like that. I can't speak for every individual on the team, although several girls on Pink have outspokenly praised the mix, and some have made their negative opinions known... but like I said... the majority of the overall feedback is unreal positive, and I'm commending JR on a phenomenal track. Yes, revisions can be made to tweak a team's style/likes dislikes, and that's the nature of the beast... doesn't take away from the track itself.

ETA: ZTA princess, i wasn't referring to your comments as silly... I was referring to people saying things like certain sections make them puke... etc.

You know, it's a lot easier to just quote what I have to say rather than playing the 13 year old girl card and referencing me without specifically saying it's me.
Oh geeze... I'm not gonna touch that comment with a 10 foot pole, bud lol... BACK to the point....

All in all, I think this particular mix comes towards the end of capping off an incredible year of breakthrough music and style from a number of producers.... and major credit to all of the music men/women out there for really stepping up the game this year more than ever!

JR Locklayer CEO of ExtremeTraxx here. I don't even know where to start!

It's the first time I've ever posted on the fierceboards since it first came out (after the pro-x boards shut down). So kudos to "Kingston" (wish I knew how to tag) for making these boards to replace it! Sometimes I think they can do some harm, but from what I gather, you (Kingston) and the rest of the admin do one HECK of a job maintaining it! I have some music producer friends that were having trouble with someone slandering their personal life and marriage on the boards over a year ago at 2-3am. Literally one message was sent to Kingston and it was down in minutes... It's good to see that such a powerful tool in the cheer world is so well monitored from slander.

Pink's music...
The gym owner who is also a dear friend, Misty Hodges, one of the most respected women in cheerleading today, contacted me and was very professional in letting me know that it was not the traditional style that they were use to and would like the mix adjusted. They are getting their songs and thoughts together and will be notifying me with what needs to be done. I do, in fact, feel sad that they do not like their mix. As their producer since 2003 and as the gym that gave me my jump start in cheer music, there's been many times they have LOVED what I've given them; hands down... But sadly there have been just as many times as they've disliked my work as well... But every -Tyme- I make it a point to make them happy by the end of the process (as I try to do with every program). As far as the team goes, no matter how indifferent they feel about it, I will make their final product amazing for them. As a professional, I will do whatever it takes to make any team happy with the product I give them...

As far as the fans on the fierceboards are concerned...
No matter if you love, hate, dislike, like the work I do, I respect everything that is said by **each and every single one of you**. For those of you who are fans of Extreme Traxx (theoneandonly, ztaprincess, blunchin, etc... Sorry if I missed any; just naming the ones in the passed few comments) I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being respectful and supportive of what you say about the mixes, even when you don't *prefer* them. Many people that support my work, I don't know if I'll ever meet. There are clients I've been working with for over a decade that I've NEVER met. And in all honesty, I wish I could reach out to each and every one of you personally and treat you to dinner. It makes me feel comforted that some of the same people I do music for -or- that have followed my work since day 1, are still supporting me through thick and thin. I thank you so very much.

To the ones that don't support or who simply dislike my work, I understand your stand point, no matter how severe or critical. I appreciate you just as much. Your criticism let's me know that I still have leaps and bounds to go before I capturing your hearts and support; "try again J.R." if you will lol... But I promise I will continue to try until I do. Supporters/nonsupporters, fans/non-fans... You all make this industry what it is and continue to make it grow.
Not everyone will like the work I do. In every sense of the word, some may even hate it. I truly work as hard as I can to satisfy the program I'm working with as a priority. Then afterwards, I cross my fingers and hope fans like it as well (which obviously doesn't always pan out how I'd like it to). With teams that give me "Open Reign", I try and mix in accordance to what 'everyone' may like in order to give fans something they'll love. However I **rarely** get the opportunity to *take a mix* and run with it... Again, I take whatever the gym requests and wants and do my best to make gold of it. It either works in my favor with fans... or it doesn't. But with people expressing their opinions on the boards, at least I know what fans are looking for... And for certain I appreciate "non-fans and non supporters" just as much in expressing their critical opinions, just as much as I do as those who support Extreme Traxx. Everyone of you are awesome in every sense of the word. I would have it no other way than to continue trying to capture your support.

If I had to *personally* touch on ANY one thing that's been said here, it would be **he has also lost the ability to choose decent songs for parts of the routine**. Again, everything you've said, I am completely humbled by and I take it with a grain of salt. I'm saddened that you feel this way, as I will continue to reach hard and do my best to make you believe otherwise... I'd say about 99% of my clientele choose their songs for every section. I can think of maybe 8 routines that I choose the songs for. ALL of my worlds routines for the most part (which I'm sure are the mixes that are heard, versus my youth 1-4 mixes) are routines that choose their own songs. GT, Woodlands, Spirit, Cheer Athletics, Stingray Amber, you name it... Each one of them have preferred songs that they want. Overused or not, **what they request is what they want. And what they want is what they are paying for**. I am in no position to reply to them when they say "well the team really wants this and so do I" with the comment "I don't want to use that in your mix because it's over done and I simply don't agree"... Whether fans love or hate a mix, my priority is to run my business the way it should be ran. And that's making a program happy by giving them what they want. I will never say "that's a terrible idea and I won't do it" to a team. However if clients later find that they are using a song that no longer fits, they always have the option of changing it or asking me "well what do you think JR". At that point, I tell them what is necessary as changes are included in their fee...

Hopefully I've been as professional as possibly writing up here. I'm not use to addressing fans on the fierceboards. I usually get facebook messages or emails. And hopefully, I've given some degree of insight that gives fans and non-fans alike an open mind into how operate. Good luck to every for the rest of the season!!! I wish you all the best!

Thomas "JR" Locklayer
AKA DJ Rizz :-)
Yeah a lot of work has gone into it and does go into it, but he has also lost the ability to choose decent songs for parts of the routine. I can't remember ever this season actually enjoying the song selection in a mix he's done. He continues to use WAY overused songs, doesn't mix them overly impressively, and then throws in his raps (which I do acknowledge are a lot of work). I'm personally just someone who would rather hear a good, unique song mixed well and chosen well for a part of a routine than listening to the same person rap 15 times in a mix. All about preference, and I said the way it comes off to me, 'cause that's the way it does come off. I'm VERY impressed with whoever writes and records these raps, but they have become annoying to me.

i just want to first say JR has improved immensely, especially over the past two seasons, at both his creativity but most importantly his clarity. a lot of the times you hear the same songs in mixes because the coaches request it or worse, they leave it all up to JR. he works with so many teams that after a while if you don't have a specific song list, i don't blame him for using the same songs in the mixes. i think as an industry if we want to hear less of more well-known songs, then we as coaches are going to have to do a little digging. depending on the program/coach the song selection could be at the bottom of their priority list. just like choroegraphers, i believe music producers feed off the team they are working with so if they do have a specific style and sound they wish to convey, he usually makes that happen. i know that in our program we research for songs all season and rarely used over-used songs. it's something we like to focus on but it's not for everyone and it doesn't have to be.

but back to pink...i want to hear the re-worked mix once it's done. i know JR doesn't isn't happy until he feels his customers are completely satisfied.

JR Locklayer CEO of ExtremeTraxx here. I don't even know where to start!

It's the first time I've ever posted on the fierceboards since it first came out (after the pro-x boards shut down). So kudos to "Kingston" (wish I knew how to tag) for making these boards to replace it! Sometimes I think they can do some harm, but from what I gather, you (Kingston) and the rest of the admin do one HECK of a job maintaining it! I have some music producer friends that were having trouble with someone slandering their personal life and marriage on the boards over a year ago at 2-3am. Literally one message was sent to Kingston and it was down in minutes... It's good to see that such a powerful tool in the cheer world is so well monitored from slander.

Pink's music...
The gym owner who is also a dear friend, Misty Hodges, one of the most respected women in cheerleading today, contacted me and was very professional in letting me know that it was not the traditional style that they were use to and would like the mix adjusted. They are getting their songs and thoughts together and will be notifying me with what needs to be done. I do, in fact, feel sad that they do not like their mix. As their producer since 2003 and as the gym that gave me my jump start in cheer music, there's been many times they have LOVED what I've given them; hands down... But sadly there have been just as many times as they've disliked my work as well... But every -Tyme- I make it a point to make them happy by the end of the process (as I try to do with every program). As far as the team goes, no matter how indifferent they feel about it, I will make their final product amazing for them. As a professional, I will do whatever it takes to make any team happy with the product I give them...

As far as the fans on the fierceboards are concerned...
No matter if you love, hate, dislike, like the work I do, I respect everything that is said by **each and every single one of you**. For those of you who are fans of Extreme Traxx (theoneandonly, ztaprincess, blunchin, etc... Sorry if I missed any; just naming the ones in the passed few comments) I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being respectful and supportive of what you say about the mixes, even when you don't *prefer* them. Many people that support my work, I don't know if I'll ever meet. There are clients I've been working with for over a decade that I've NEVER met. And in all honesty, I wish I could reach out to each and every one of you personally and treat you to dinner. It makes me feel comforted that some of the same people I do music for -or- that have followed my work since day 1, are still supporting me through thick and thin. I thank you so very much.

To the ones that don't support or who simply dislike my work, I understand your stand point, no matter how severe or critical. I appreciate you just as much. Your criticism let's me know that I still have leaps and bounds to go before I capturing your hearts and support; "try again J.R." if you will lol... But I promise I will continue to try until I do. Supporters/nonsupporters, fans/non-fans... You all make this industry what it is and continue to make it grow.
Not everyone will like the work I do. In every sense of the word, some may even hate it. I truly work as hard as I can to satisfy the program I'm working with as a priority. Then afterwards, I cross my fingers and hope fans like it as well (which obviously doesn't always pan out how I'd like it to). With teams that give me "Open Reign", I try and mix in accordance to what 'everyone' may like in order to give fans something they'll love. However I **rarely** get the opportunity to *take a mix* and run with it... Again, I take whatever the gym requests and wants and do my best to make gold of it. It either works in my favor with fans... or it doesn't. But with people expressing their opinions on the boards, at least I know what fans are looking for... And for certain I appreciate "non-fans and non supporters" just as much in expressing their critical opinions, just as much as I do as those who support Extreme Traxx. Everyone of you are awesome in every sense of the word. I would have it no other way than to continue trying to capture your support.

If I had to *personally* touch on ANY one thing that's been said here, it would be **he has also lost the ability to choose decent songs for parts of the routine**. Again, everything you've said, I am completely humbled by and I take it with a grain of salt. I'm saddened that you feel this way, as I will continue to reach hard and do my best to make you believe otherwise... I'd say about 99% of my clientele choose their songs for every section. I can think of maybe 8 routines that I choose the songs for. ALL of my worlds routines for the most part (which I'm sure are the mixes that are heard, versus my youth 1-4 mixes) are routines that choose their own songs. GT, Woodlands, Spirit, Cheer Athletics, Stingray Amber, you name it... Each one of them have preferred songs that they want. Overused or not, **what they request is what they want. And what they want is what they are paying for**. I am in no position to reply to them when they say "well the team really wants this and so do I" with the comment "I don't want to use that in your mix because it's over done and I simply don't agree"... Whether fans love or hate a mix, my priority is to run my business the way it should be ran. And that's making a program happy by giving them what they want. I will never say "that's a terrible idea and I won't do it" to a team. However if clients later find that they are using a song that no longer fits, they always have the option of changing it or asking me "well what do you think JR". At that point, I tell them what is necessary as changes are included in their fee...

Hopefully I've been as professional as possibly writing up here. I'm not use to addressing fans on the fierceboards. I usually get facebook messages or emails. And hopefully, I've given some degree of insight that gives fans and non-fans alike an open mind into how operate. Good luck to every for the rest of the season!!! I wish you all the best!

Thomas "JR" Locklayer
AKA DJ Rizz :)
Jr, you are absolutely the best at what you do; the best in the business IMO no question, and you have been the best for years. This is the classiest post I've seen from a music producer defending his/her name, work, or product. With this said, you can't (and don't have to) make everyone happy. Just the ones you're doing music for. We use to work with a big name music producer that "refused" to give us the songs we wanted because he said they were terrible. But at the end of the day, we weren't happy because we didn't get what we wanted... If your mixes are strictly based on what your clients *want*, I would be very excited to see what damage you could do if you had free reign. You are amazing for this post. Keep up the amazing work! ! ! ! !,

And to reiterate, I personally LOVEEEEE this mix. One of my favorites of the year. Again, great job!!!
All that matters is if the people who hire you are getting what they want. You are working for them, not the anonymous posters on the boards.

NOTE: No matter WHAT you put out, some people will like it, some people won't. Some people would post that they didn't like it even if they actually DID like it - just because they are fans of a different team.
PapaRizzleExtremeTraxx I wished you had tagged me.. hah.

I think all creative people has some stuff that works and some stuff that doesn't. When putting yourself out there creatively sometimes you hit home runs, sometimes you hit singles, and sometimes you strike out. I actually like the Pink mix, so it isn't bad work, just may not appeal to everyone. I can tell you I am very happy with my teams mix (Amber, which JR did) and he has been very professional dealing with us (as well as Patrick, shoutout to both for being very professional).

I do think the board is good as a gage overall how well things work, you just have to understand the comments don't have the 'nice' social filter people put on when speaking face to face. It is a bit more raw. So when something isn't a hit, they let you know. But when things do work they practically put you on a pedestal and throw roses.

Overall I say keep up the good work and if something truly isn't as great as it can be I know you will fix it.

(congrats on the baby, btw. parenthood is a heckuva fun adventure!)
No ONE on Pink thinks that JR did not do a good job or question his skills and talent. He is and always be one of the best in his field and he always gives his client the best. The comments were meant to mean the girls did not think the mix was what they wanted. It did not appeal to them. They are working together with JR to make the changes that they feel are needed to satisfy them. Please do not think that was a slight on anyone. The Ladies of Pink are fickle and it takes a lot to please them.. : )

I Love My Pink Ladies!!

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