All-Star Gym Merges

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I will say that @cheerupdates is probably the most reliable source to have for things like this, and I do know that they have known about the merger for some time and did not release the information until they were ADVISED. So at some point this was not simply speculation. Also hearing the summation of Terri Curleys email sent to her program last night: a merger is in the works. So 24 hours ago this wad indeed a go...
Anyone else feel like cheerupdates is the real life gossip girl?

But cheerUPDATES has a ton of valid info and knows a lot of people that they can verify info with, so I personally trust what's tweeted.
Why all the negativity from the Twister gym? Supporting each other will help grow our sport.
Why all the negativity from the Twister gym? Supporting each other will help grow our sport.
I'm sorry you feel like there is a lot of negativity from Twisters parents, I can only speak for myself and say that to me it seems like a crazy mix for this 3 organizations to merge. The differences in philosophies, style and culture of the gyms. With that being said I felt as though it was not a good move, maybe it was for shock value but I can name several other gyms to me that would have been a better match for both gyms to merge with to create stronger teams if that is the reasoning to merge. Also it would be like we go to MD states and there is no competition because there are only 2 or 3 teams with all the merging going on.
I'm sorry you feel like there is a lot of negativity from Twisters parents, I can only speak for myself and say that to me it seems like a crazy mix for this 3 organizations to merge. The differences in philosophies, style and culture of the gyms. With that being said I felt as though it was not a good move, maybe it was for shock value but I can name several other gyms to me that would have been a better match for both gyms to merge with to create stronger teams if that is the reasoning to merge. Also it would be like we go to MD states and there is no competition because there are only 2 or 3 teams with all the merging going on.

Wait, what? Which three organizations merging are you talking about? I thought it was just between Maryland Marlins and Crimson Heat? Was a merge with Twisters ever on the table? I'm sorry, I'm so confused, lol.
Wait, what? Which three organizations merging are you talking about? I thought it was just between Maryland Marlins and Crimson Heat? Was a merge with Twisters ever on the table? I'm sorry, I'm so confused, lol.
No, it had been mentioned that Hot Topic was also involved.
Michigan extreme and Elite cheer michigan are combing their level 5's only. theyre going to be callerd "THAT team"

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