All-Star Gym Owners Refusing To Sign Release... Appeal Process?..

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I wold think it would apply for The Summit then in the future??? if not now?? Totally a question not sure asking you all my experts :)
I don't see why it WOULDN'T cover Summit in the future, if that were the main All-Levels comp run by the USASF. In an odd way, I think it would be easier if it did. You'd need a lot less exceptions that way.

*Everyone has until Nov 1st to switch clubs. After that, a release is required no matter what level. Appeals can be made if a gym closes/merges, assuming balances are paid in full. Done. Everyone must sign a form distributed by the USASF to ALL members, must be sent in and dated by Oct. 2xth for full-year teams and by Jan xth for half-year teams. Will be mailed upon registration with USASF (which is required for everyone).
I don't see why it WOULDN'T cover Summit in the future, if that were the main All-Levels comp run by the USASF. In an odd way, I think it would be easier if it did. You'd need a lot less exceptions that way.

*Everyone has until Nov 1st to switch clubs. After that, a release is required no matter what level. Appeals can be made if a gym closes/merges, assuming balances are paid in full. Done. Everyone must sign a form distributed by the USASF to ALL members, must be sent in and dated by Oct. 2xth for full-year teams and by Jan xth for half-year teams. Will be mailed upon registration with USASF (which is required for everyone).

I would add teams dropping a level. Competing at level 5 dropping to level 4 for a big national, then going level 5 to get a bid at the end of the year once everyone has a bid. Once the team drops a level no more waiver. It might help tremendously with the sandbagging issue and force teams to be realistic about what level the team really is. Might help with safety too.
This is the first thing I thought when I read this thread. Like, what gyms have that many athletes? Cheer Athletics, Stingrays, World Cup maybe. If you want to add gyms with multiple locations then Cali, ACE, CEA? Idk how many athletes these programs have but that's what I thought of. I really doubt that there are any safety issues going on at any of these gyms or any gym with 600 athletes for that matter.
Sorry, it quoted weird. This is to the post by CricketCheerMom
I've read through all of these for years and have yet to read something that would cause me to vote for a change.
A gym CLOSING and NOT releasing athletes is not cause for concern? That is the most cut and dry "rule isn't perfect" example there is. There needs to be an APPEAL process. Strict? Yes. But something.
A gym CLOSING and NOT releasing athletes is not cause for concern? That is the most cut and dry "rule isn't perfect" example there is. There needs to be an APPEAL process. Strict? Yes. But something.

That isn't enough for me to vote for a change. If it happens to change I won't be beating the drum to change it back, but I have yet to see anything that would lead me to vote for that policy to change.
Oh, and I would also like to add that you don't pay to be level 5. You pay to be trained.
Correct me of I'm wrong but senior 5 pays the same tuition and competition fees as senior 2/3/4 at most programs (I know some charge a slight but more to the worlds teams)...
So whether your team decides to make changes of some kind with regard to level or division or whatever the case may be. You are still getting what you are paying for.
The fact is you just WANT to be paying for it in a different way/ at a different level or whatever the case may be in the given situation.
People need to keep that in mind as well...
i know we're talking about the same thing. She was paying for level 5 and when it changed, she left because she truly was not paying for what she was at the gym for. if you want to make it be her fault for leaving then you can say youre paying for the training yadiyadiya but truly if any team moves down a level, especially when they were told they wouldn't be, those who want to be on a competitive level 5 team like promised will leave. AND what makes it worse is the bullying and harrassment her, me, and EVERYONE ELSE has gotten since we've left. multiple things have played into why she needs to be released.

this rule needs to be changed so those with a legitimate reason to leave, can.
They already can leave, just as your friend did. The only thing they cannot do is compete at Worlds for 1 year.
The only thing? I'm sorry but you make it sound like its a small little thing... This is what our kids train for YEARS for. We pay thousands for our kids to have the opportunity to cheer at worlds. (Yes kids choose teams based on worlds opportunities... Very few level 5 athletes would choose a gym without a worlds team...) They have 6 eligible years. If they don't have they skills at 12, they have fewer than 6. This is my athletes goal in cheer. Whether you want to admit it or not, there are immature coaches and owners out there who will not hesitate to spitefully decline a request for a release. And yes, there are gyms with safety issues. Maybe not the mega monster programs but there are far more kids enrolled in small programs than at mega gyms... And other issues may not rear their ugly heads until after the first time they hit the mat. It's easy to say none of this would change your mind... Until its your kid who misses 1 of 6 or less opportunities because a gym failed to live up to its promises.
The only thing? I'm sorry but you make it sound like its a small little thing... This is what our kids train for YEARS for. We pay thousands for our kids to have the opportunity to cheer at worlds. (Yes kids choose teams based on worlds opportunities... Very few level 5 athletes would choose a gym without a worlds team...) They have 6 eligible years. If they don't have they skills at 12, they have fewer than 6. This is my athletes goal in cheer. Whether you want to admit it or not, there are immature coaches and owners out there who will not hesitate to spitefully decline a request for a release. And yes, there are gyms with safety issues. Maybe not the mega monster programs but there are far more kids enrolled in small programs than at mega gyms... And other issues may not rear their ugly heads until after the first time they hit the mat. It's easy to say none of this would change your mind... Until its your kid who misses 1 of 6 or less opportunities because a gym failed to live up to its promises.

Although most don't want to admit it, cheerleading is not all about worlds, there's much more to it than that. Somewhere around 90% of cheerleaders will never have the opportunity to compete at worlds. So in reality, missing out on one is not a huge deal. Yea it does suck and I feel bad for the athletes that go through situations like this, but you will most likely have another opportunity. If it's your last year and worlds is that important to you, than find an open team to compete with the following year. Like others have said, competing at worlds is a privilege, you are not entitled to compete at worlds just because you are a level 5 athlete. Sorry, jmo.
Although most don't want to admit it, cheerleading is not all about worlds, there's much more to it than that. Somewhere around 90% of cheerleaders will never have the opportunity to compete at worlds. So in reality, missing out on one is not a huge deal. Yea it does suck and I feel bad for the athletes that go through situations like this, but you will most likely have another opportunity. If it's your last year and worlds is that important to you, than find an open team to compete with the following year. Like others have said, competing at worlds is a privilege, you are not entitled to compete at worlds just because you are a level 5 athlete. Sorry, jmo.
Respectfully disagree. For those who have trained from a young age, and focused on their training, gave up SO MUCH because they trained instead, cheering IS all about worlds. 90% may not care... But for the ones who have dedicated so much of their life to cheer, it's all about worlds. 1 missed year,it's big. As for the open team the next year, not all athletes will have that opportunity. I agree it is a privilege... That kids work their butts off for.