We have Tiny, Mini, Youth2, Jr3, Sr4.2, Sr 4 or 5 (I'm not sure what they will be yet), and an Open/College team!
The head coach for tiny's only does that 1 team I believe but helps with youth 2 and maybe some other teams.
The head coach for one of our largest teams of like 28 for mini's is the owner she is always there and helps with all teams but she is the main coach for mini's!
The head coach for youth 2 is the head coach for our Jr 3 as well and she is amazing! She helps with tiny's and some other teams also!
The head coach for our Sr 4.2 i believe that's the only team she has. She sometimes helps with others as well.
Our Sr4 team I honestly don't know who coaches that team wether it be the owner or someone else. (I rarely see them)
Then our owner and her husband coach the open team I'm guessing
the owners husband is also the coach for the college team here as well.
So as far as the question goes the owners has 2 or 3 teams and it's not just the high level teams as her main team is the mini's!
Then another coach heads 2 teams.
Then everyone else has 1 team.
It's the same group of coaches though because they all help out other teams and there is always like 3 people their for the different teams practice!
Then we have another coach who I guess he is referred to as the "skills" coach. He is really good at helping people get the new skills they desire. So they don't have him head coaching they want him to always be aval to every team at all times!