It's a little crazy in NJ, considering it's the third smallest state in the country. In central to north Jersey ALONE you have CJA, JuST Cheer, Star Athletics, CC Champs, Evolution All-Stars, NJ Heat, Rams All-Stars, Jersey City Liberty, Premier All-Stars, Gems Cheer Stars, Cheer University, Rocket Elite, Cheer Dynamics, The Cheer House, Metro Cheer, Jersey Lightning
In the Central Jersey/Jersey shore area you have WC, Spirit Factory, Jersey Allstars, Hamilton Starz, Cheer University, Jersey Elite
In South Jersey you have South Jersey Storm, Spirit Explosion, All-Star One, Jersey Pride, Magic Cheerleading, Diamond Athletic All-Stars
That's almost 30 competitive cheerleading programs in one small state, and I haven't even named them all!