All-Star Gyms "owning" Athletes

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We get kids from other big name gyms come to our gym for tumbling classes or privates all the time. We dont necessarily have kids going out to other gyms for tumbling classes. Im not sure if i would want kids going somewhere else for tumbling because i dont know who and what theyre teaching my kids. And the last thing I want is a kid getting hurt or developing a mental block.
Craig always tells the athletes that if they take a tumbling class elsewhere (it may be closer to their house) that it's fine, but just to bring in proof you take a class there to show that you're taking a tumbling class (which is required)!
While I dont want my kids going somewhere else to tumble (they all live fairly close to the gym), I do understand that sometimes you have no other choice. The team that I competed on was 2.5 to 3 hours away. I basically only went there for practice because it would be ridiculous to just drive that far to tumble for an hour. I did most of my tumbling at open gyms or at sister locations. So I guess depending on the athlete and their situation then I guess tumbling somewhere else would be ok.
I honestly don't see a problem with it, because I want to do everything I can to be the best possible athlete I can be.

I take privates at my own gym, tumbling at a gymnastics centre, conditioning with a circus instructor and stretch class at another all star gym... plus I've done open gym at many different places to get the opportunity to stunt with new bases. I think my team appreciate that I work hard to get new skills etc... and I'm super loyal to my team. I don't think taking advantage of all the amazing classes available to us is a bad thing
my last gym kicked athletes off for going to a open gym at another gym
Seems a bit extreme, especially since it wasn't a paid tumbling class or private, just an open gym..
Henceforth the query about gym owners/coaches feeling like they own or have rights to the athletes despite being paid to provide a service. Not sure if gyms are just that afraid of losing kids and impacting their bottom line.
I can understand the concern about quality of instruction/bad habits, but personally if a CP isn't gelling with the tumbling coaches or has extensive blocks, I see nothing wrong with going elsewhere for help. Granted I don't think that I'd feel right going to another cheer gym; we'd probably go to a gymnastics gym.
I understand the whole "loyalty" thing, but what about the kids who cheer at gyms hours away and want to practice more than just at their practices? Or even if there is a gym closer that they just want to throw just practice tumbling at? I don't see the harm in that. As long as their not spreading all this information about routines out or talking bad about their gym.
So funny this thread came up today!!!

I really want to go bang my head against the wall in frustration!!
Fortunately/Unfortunately many gyms feel that the kids in their program are "their" kids. I say fortunately because most gym owners that I've met really and truly care for the kids they teach and it's not just about the bottom line.

I say unfortunately because I've also known a few who are extremely possessive of the kids and went to, what I feel are extreams, when kids switched to a different gym.

At the end of the day as parents we have the right to take our CP's where we feel they will progress the best. Recently I've seen more kids come to tumble classes and privates at our gym while still cheering at another program. For some it's because they have had mental blocks with their current instructors for tumbling but absolutely LOVE their gym. So rather then change programs they've looked for alternatives for their continued progression. Some gym owners might have a problem with that but it's our right as the consumer.
For me, I think it varies by the situation/person. We have a few girls that cheer for other programs but take lessons with our tumbling instructor. It's not that their home gym provides inadequate tumbling instructions, but some of those girls have been tumbling with our instructor since the start of their cheer career. So naturally, they'd want to stick to what they know and who they know and I don't see anything wrong with that. It's easier to learn a new skill when you're 100% comfortable with the instructor. Additionally like someone else posted, location is a factor for some as well. Why drive 1 hour away from home to get to your gym, when there's a reputable gym 15 minutes from your house? As long as there's no funny business going on it shouldn't be a big deal either way.
I cannot imagine tumbling elsewhere. I have a friend that has a gym in a different town and we have been there to "play" but would never consider taking a private at a gym other than our own. If I didn't believe in the program enough to stay contained in it I would take my CP elsewhere.

How can you have a cheer gym that does not offer tumbling or privates? That, as a coach in a high intensity but decidedly non-cheer sport, is a deal breaker to me.

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