All-Star Hairgate 2015 - Mom Upset Daughter Is Off The Team Because She Wont Straighten Hair For Competitions

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I really hope that wasn't a legit media outlet. I would hate to see what other false information they are providing during their "news" segments. They are part of the reason why this whole thing has been blown out of portion. The media needs to do thorough research before reporting "parts" of stories and having the masses get hysterical over nothing.

It's truly a legit news organization---not like a rag mag or an HuffPost---these people actually give people their local news!
I really hope that wasn't a legit media outlet. I would hate to see what other false information they are providing during their "news" segments. They are part of the reason why this whole thing has been blown out of portion. The media needs to do thorough research before reporting "parts" of stories and having the masses get hysterical over nothing.
I don't know. I hope not but from what I gather her "reporting" the other side(WE) was done for her by some WE parents sharing WE statement and letting her know the other side. I don't know if that's how the timeline went before the final segment aired.
Hey now maybe that flower cap will be a thing. Lol someone on that reporters Facebook page suggested she just wear a cap and that'll fix things.
Also, guys, I've come to a really important realization. It's something big so please read carefully and pay attention.

I have realized that no girl with curly hair has ever participated in the sport of cheerleading, ever. Now I know what you're thinking. Cheerleading has been around for many years, how is that possible?? Well, it must be, it has to by why this special unicorn is so special.

I'm gonna take a break now that involved a lot of work and research

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Did any of you see the reporter reasoning for not getting WE side before doing the initial report. This is lack of industry integrity in my opinion. This reporter's main concern was to meet a deadline to have an interesting story for the morning show. She didn't care about facts at all.

So shared it on my Facebook too since there are a lot of cheer friends former athletes etc:

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Did any of you see the reporter reasoning for not getting WE side before doing the initial report. This is lack of industry integrity n my opinion. This reporter's main concern was to meet a deadline to have an interesting story for the morning show. She didn't care about facts at all.

Read it and it wasn't acceptable. WE had posted their release last night on Facebook and she could have gotten it from there.

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I think the reporter is loving the attention she is getting for this story. She must think she is going to get some positive kudos from the news industry over all the attention and comments. HOWEVER, I think she inadvertently is making herself look like an unethical reporter who doesn't get all of the facts before doing a report. If she needed more time to investigate and research facts, she should have had the guts to tell her boss that the story wasn't ready to be presented. You can tell the video interview with WE they purposely manipulated and edited the video to lean toward their perspective and not the true gym side revealed.
As a parent of a WE athlete, I would like to share a post from another WE mom on the events that happened. I am sorry for the length.


[Dear Houston Chronicle, ABC news, Good Morning America and every other news source that jumped on the " momma drama bandwagon"
Without further investigating the situation in it's entirety.

Please understand that you are only reporting the mothers side.
While this response may be lengthy, I hope you and your staff take the time to read my words, seek truth and investigate further. As your one sided report of an non- news worthy report is lacking in facts.
If you wish to be taken seriously as a leading news source, please read the following insight on a 12year strong company that is a leader in their industry.

Please know that my eleven year old daughter was witness to this moms vulgar reaction to WE's hair and make -up meeting. Instead of addressing the issue like an adult, this mom, who is a teacher in our community responded with extremely vulgar language, gestures, in a loud disruptive shouting voices belittling WE staff in front of minor children

As a reputable news source you know all too well that once something is seen or heard, it can not be taken back. I will never be able to " take back" the strew of four letter words my eleven year old heard by this mom.

How awful for her daughter and other athletes to be subjected to such verbal abuse. I believe the correct word media would choose is verbal bullying .

Let me " paint " a picture for you of our WE family.

In the past five years of being a part of WE my daughter has been nurtured by many talented coaches who are not only the best in the industry, but they have become part of our family.

Here is why-

First WE lived by 3F3gb1a
You see these words on our shirts, some practice and every athlete, coach and staff member uses them as sort of a " code of honor "

What are these words-
Faith, Family, Friends, Believe in one another, Give God the Glory.

How do we carry this mission statement out?

By submerging ourself into our communities far and wide with service projects.

Yes, see WE this year has about forty teams. That is forty teams with about 20-32 athletes on each one that sets out to make a difference in our community.

We hold toy drives, collect food for food banks, clothing drives for women's shelters, raised money for MLS, assembled hundreds of Easter baskets for the women's shelter in Montgomery county, raised money for injured veterans, made blankets for children, supported other WE athletes when their house burned, organized meals and donations for a family who's dad was severely injured. This is just a few ways WE had made a positive impact in the past 12 years. I have even watched girls cut their to donate to cancer patients in need of a wig. Our athletes and their families have BIG hearts.

WE work together as a family to give back to the community and support each other.

Last year we had an athlete who's dad left. This left her and her siblings in a stressful and dire finical struggle. Our team pulled together and made sure that athlete had everything she needed to be able to attend All Stars in Vegas. A few of us one night drove to Walgreens to get her a finger brace and Tylenol when she jammed her finger, so that her mom could have an easier evening.

Everything I have said is the " norm" at WE.

I have even seen coaches help with homework, partner with parents to mentor a teenager when needed.

No one asked her to permanently alter her daughters hair.

That is not how WE operates.
Yes, we curl our hair on some teams and others we straighten it. Yes, we all wear the same make up. It is all for the judges. Those girls aren't about the big hair and make up, they are all about being part of a team, a family, working hard and being dedicated to their fellow athletes.

These athletes are most always the leaders at their schools. Why? Because they know the true value of hard work , dedication and working with others to get the job done.

Please don't take away from everything our athletes have worked so hard for with some false accusations.

Please see the true side of WE.

You want a news story - report on the negative effects that her hurtful and vulgar words on on all those small children in the gym that night.

Report on the impact that WE had made in the community over the years.

I truly hope that you will see and seek the truth.]

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