Hi, Im Teddi, Tina's daughter. I came across this thread when I googled my mom's former team. I just want to apologize for whatever negative experiences you may have had with my mother. Unfortunately everything and everyone is not what it seems and while there is nothing I care to share about the allegations and shared experiences with Xquizite Allstarz and my mother Tina, I will say this: No one is perfect and flaw exist in personal and business. I have been fortunate enough to learn and see things on both the right and the wrong side of business through my parents, close friends and business owning relatives. Xquizite Allstarz was not a gym suited for everyone. My mother had no issues with expressing her feelings and thoughts to or about anyone but for those who knew her well, those apart of the Xquizite family and in neighboring gyms, they knew the size of my mother's heart. It is a little disheartening reading all of the judgement from strangers but then I realized that it was just that, judgement from strangers. Of course you wouldn't know about the reasons my mother started Xquizite, sponsored athletes for other more expensive programs and often times exempted families from tuition just because their athletes loved the sport though the family couldn't afford it. Of course strangers wouldn't know why she plead guilty to fraud charges or whether the mistakes were hers alone. My mother was not a con artist in any sense. She may not have been perfect but the extreme reactions to this post prompting me to speak up. Unfortunately, my mother shut the doors of Xquizite Allstarz in January of 2015 due to her intense, silent, lonely battle with Cervical Cancer. She carried the weight of the world on her shoulders and alone she suffered. Even those close to her and in the house with her didn't know that she was so ill until it was too late. Im not posting this for sympathy or condolences, but because watching the extremes of my sister loving Cheer so much as a sport and watching my mother struggle solo much trying to keep that love alive for soooo many other athletes has taught me 3 things: 1: you can't judge what you don't know rightfully. 2: Cheer world is shady dealings worldwide and 3: Business is the more personal than people would like you believe. The doors of Xquizite closed in January, my mother passed in March, and the Xquizite family has since realized that they don't feel at home anywhere else. It is for these reasons that my sister and I intend to open the doors of Xquizite Allstarz Reloaded and reclaim our family and leave everything on the mat. If any one has anything else negative to say about my mother or her program, please share, as feedback for improvements are always welcome although disrespect will never be tolerated. I hope that my sister and I can help create new and more positive dialogue about Xquizite, old, new and forever. Thats all I had to say. If anyone wants to get in touch with me privately I still monitor my mother's Facebook page and again I apologize for any negative experiences you may have had in the past but the future begins here.