All-Star Half Top Vs. Full Tops

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Dec 14, 2009
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My program is getting new uniforms this next season.. and we have always had full length tops. I am getting some pressure from some of the coaches, parents, and girls that they want half tops this year. I would say about 40% want half tops. I keep telling them that just because you have full tops.. doesn't mean that you score higher.. Not all of our girls would be comfortable in half tops. We will still stay trendy with cut outs and bling..But not over the top.. I like to stay clean lines and simple.. I feel like its more the routine and skills.. and not if your wearing a half top or full top..
Do you think that half tops really make a big difference in your score? Is it a big deal to still stay with full tops?
georgia won worlds and wore full tops
personally i like full tops better than half tops most of the time
I kinda ride that fence on that one. I have to admit, I think that it is sad how so many over-weight girls have no problem wearing these half tops. I have seen some girls that look plain obsene in their uniforms (and nobody take offence, I don't think that they make those even big enough for me to get in). My daughter whose 13 passed up a gym that had them. She's not overweight, but she pudges every once and a while and she bloats real bad once a month.

I will say though that all the comps we've been to this year (around 4 so far) about 85 - 90 percent of teams are wearing them. Sometimes I feel like my daughter is overdressed for a swimming party when we are there. I also noticed that she was one of less than about 6 that is in a full top on that new uniform thread. We finally broke down one day and asked our coace/owner (who's 90lbs soaking wet) if you flew better in less clothing and she actually told us yes.

I would first consider all the girls that are really too big for them. See if there are any that would just embarasses themselves in them. Then if not, I think I would seriously consider them.

I think you should have a parent meeting or something and ask how many of them would not feel comfortable having their kids compete in a half top. If theres a large amount opposed to it, don't do it. Otherwise, go for it!
we had full top for awhile but I like half top so much better.....IMO if I was on the overweight side I think a Half top would motivate me to loose some weight.
My team (and a couple other in my gym) have a good number of heavier girls, so what we do is we design the uniform to be a half top, but for the heavier girls there's an option to have it made with an extension at the bottom so it's full top. And it's just like a longer white part at the bottom, you can probably see it if you real close at the base in my picture :)

And I'm from World Cup haha, so it's not like this idea is coming from some strange gym that nobody's ever heard of :P
In my opinion full tops are very clean and classic. It bring the old school cheerleading uniforms to the new school style with the shoulder cut outs. As far as scoring, judges don't necessarily judge you on your uniforms unless they're a safety hazard.
If some of the girls don't feel comfortable in crop tops, I'd say just stick with the full length and do some other cute cut outs in the shoulders or something. I think it's kind of a good idea to let the girls who don't want crop tops to have full tops, but I feel like they'd bring even more unwanted attention to them if they had full tops and everybody else didn't.
At my old gym tiny, mini, youth had full tops for a modest look and then junior and senior had have the half tops but if they or their parents were uncomfortable they got the full but most of them got the half.
My team (and a couple other in my gym) have a good number of heavier girls, so what we do is we design the uniform to be a half top, but for the heavier girls there's an option to have it made with an extension at the bottom so it's full top. And it's just like a longer white part at the bottom, you can probably see it if you real close at the base in my picture :)

And I'm from World Cup haha, so it's not like this idea is coming from some strange gym that nobody's ever heard of :p

I actually think that is a great idea!! Get one that you can make long enough so that if a girl wants to wear a full, nobody will notice. Or, the overweight girls could wear tight shirts underneath....flesh colored so you couldn't tell or all the same color if they needed to match.
My gym we have full tops and I am ok with it. It makes everything uniform and clean. My fear of half tops is I dont want my team to be remembered as " did you see those big girls in half tops gross". Make I feel that you should make your uniform choices on A. what is going to be the most pleasing to the eye such as lines cutouts bling B. what are your girls going to feel most comfortable and relaxed in. Everyone can agree with this if you dont feel or like what your wearing your just dont act or feel confident on the floor. I'm currently designing are uniforms for next season we are staying full tops and i can say right now the are pretty darn classy.
The idea that showing skin gets you more points with the judges starts to creep me out when I think too hard about no. Plenty of gyms are perfectly successful no matter what the age/level with full tops. Heck, I competed in a t-shirt and shorts and did perfectly fine.
I have seen full tops rise up and show the belly on heavier girls during competition. To me, if the full top is not going to stay down, what is the point, the belly ends up being exposed anyways? There is also the option of wearing a body liner (it's like a flesh colored leotard) for those who do not like exposing their belly in the half tops.
Half-tops, full-tops, I don't really have an opinion on one being better than the other. I just like to see kids look healthy overall no matter what they wear. It's a performance, not something the girls are wearing to the mall. As a gym owner or gym coach, if you have girls who are overweight (according to medical standards), I hope that you are incorporating training into your program to help them get to a healthy weight.