4everSPIRITed said:
FLcoach said:
Legality judges need to have to be certified in legalities by the USASF.... a special certification to be able to be a legalities judge. And they need to be tested on the rules, know the rules front and back, and be able to spot deductions at ALL levels
USASF offers the certification but to my knowledge still only requires USASF certified safety judges at bid events. This means that event producers aren't required to have certified safety folks at all of their other (non-bid-giving) events. It opens up the door for a whole lot of issues when Joe Schmoe calls legalities for ABC Company at all of their one-day events and perhaps misses things that someone who is certified might catch and then those teams go the a larger event with a certified safety judge and find out their skills are illegal. I know there are a lot of companies that refuse to use a legality person who isn't certified but for every one of those there seems to be another company using someone who isn't certified.
I agree with both of you, but especially flcoach on the point of how good these judges need to be. At my gym, my opinion counts very little, I.e. none, but I consider myself very knowledgeable on the rules, and I plan to become certified this summer if funds allow. But the gym has a certified judge (whose name I will not mention publicly) come in to review all the teams for legalities issues, which is a great idea with the coaching staff's lack of interest to really invest themselves in all the details of coaching (I have a very low tolerance for coaches who blame legalities and the scoresheets for not doing well when it is all public information). This guy comes in, spots a thing or two that I had already pointed out, then clears an assisted frontwalkover like Cali does, only w/o a spot. He said quote, it shouldn't be ruled as assisted tumbling, instead an inverted stunt. Which is okay w/o a spot?
I had a discussion with him about and suggested logically, let's just email Les Stella. This guy just acts offended and talks the gym out of it, making himself seem more important than Les.
Long story short, they get away with it after ditching nca regionals for a tiny comp they could win, where a judging panel didn't deduct for a prep double in level 3, and then the first jamfest comes around and they lose due to the legality issue.
My gym still considering him quote "the top legality judge in the country" has him judge deductions at a local comp, and he totally screws up a ruling on an inversion on a friend of mines gyms level 3 stunt, a suspended forward roll with two bases and a spot to the performing syrface, which is clearly legal is it is directly pointed out as an exception. He again is offended when les's name is brought up.
Point if this story for everyone, just because someone is certified means absolutely nothing to me after these experiences. There needs to be a harder test with more training, perhaps a study guide and book with scenarios to be given out and completed before the seminar. This guy overstated his qualifications, made it seem like Les has no real say in rules matters, and that you had to jump through hoops to communicate with him. ( and he made bank doing all this) alas my employer chose to believe him over me....
These kind of people are the poison that we need to get out to keep this sport growing in a positive direction. And as unethical as I think he is, it wouldn't have mattered if he was trained properly and actually had the right answers.