All-Star Here's The Real Problem....

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On Facebook or Twitter when you post a negative comment it's without anonymity. Here people can remain hidden from the masses much easier.
Not always true..people can remain relatively anonymous on Twitter if they would like.
I think it is, at least in part, poor parenting that is to blame.

I raise my children to do their best and accept their wins humbly and losses gracefully. Striving for your personal best is awesome; healthy competition is a beautiful thing. On the flip side, envy can be toxic and ugly. While we have to remember that kids will be kids, good character can, and should, be taught, modeled, and reinforced. While this speaks to coaching ethics/attitude to some extent, character development begins at home.

I am disgusted at the rash of Maddie cyber-hating. Horrible sportsmanship.
I know "hate" is never a good thing, and I am certainly not condoning bullying/harassment. But honestly what makes a STAR a STAR is that they are somewhat controversial. People love them and at the same time they hate them.
On Facebook or Twitter when you post a negative comment it's without anonymity. Here people can remain hidden from the masses much easier.

Twitter is way more anonymous than here. Everything you do is tracked on here.

And as for negative comments how many of those twitter accounts have 5 to 10 thousand followers?
Every competition that CEA has been at this year, afterwards, it seems like there is always a conversation about "stop hating/bullying Maddie!" Slow your roll, people. Nothing that bad has even been said. If you honestly think after all the publicity and notoriety, that it's going to be smooth sailing without any haters or naysayers, you're out of your mind. You might as well get on stage and ask for world peace-not going to happen. So if we can't handle the heat, we should probably get outta the kitchen.
lol people need to grow up. how in the world am i "attacking her"? such a strong word. i never said she wasn't a beautiful flyer. the truth hurts. people want to know why people resent Maddie and this may be why. simple. you don't have to agree with me or even believe me. i was laughing throughout reading your whole post. you're the one who is taking your emotions for someone you don't even know "too far". smh

Here's the deal, you probably don't "get it" because you're too far in it, but you're criticizing a kid. She didn't seek out this attention, when she decided to be an allstar cheerleader she didn't say "I want to do this because I want to be famous and make a ton of money", she did it because she loved cheer. I don't know this girl, I wouldn't know this girl if I walked past her on the street, but I would put all the money I've ever earned on Maddie not having the same passion for cheer that she once had.

You're somehow thinking that fame=perfection. You've made the statement that you feel like you know of cheerleaders that are "better" than Maddie, and that she doesn't "deserve" to be famous. And what exactly has being famous earned her? It's earned her hate from you and what probably feels like a billion other people watching and criticizing her every breath. She didn't set out to be famous, she got "lucky" and it came to her. I'm sure she is an exceptional cheerleader but she didn't need to be great to become famous, this one's probably going to hit a little close to home for you because you're a 19 year old girl but the cast of Jersey Shore isn't famous because they're good at anything (in fact I'm amazed they have the mental capacity to breathe), they got "lucky". I bet she would trade places most day's with your nobody friends for a chance to just be an anonymous allstar cheerleader again.

So you can hate her because she's more famous and you think you want that but all she is is under 800X the pressure that every cheerleader you know is and she's being exploited while companies profit off of the hype that THEY built. These people built her up, they made her this "celebrity" and once she has reached a level of fame that she becomes marketable they use her to sell whatever they've got. So yeah, envy that. Envy her so called fame and continue to be a nobody cheerleader able to fail without extreme criticism.

And has anyone sat back and considered that outside of cheerleading NOBODY knows or cares who she is outside of being a human being. She isn't famous. She isn't even athlete famous. Cheerleading as a whole is a small community and criticizing teenage children is a surefire way to all but guarantee your time in the community will be short. And further more why would you want to hate on a kid?
True but they will do so with no followers so unlike here their negative, hateful comments will go unnoticed.
Not true have you read CheerTruths on twitter? I have no idea who it is and they have tweeted about people coming up to them and not knowing it was them. They say some nasty things and have a TON of followers. Many of the anonymous cheer twitters are super popular with a ton of followers and retweets. All while hiding behind twitter. The negative and hateful comments do not go unnoticed.

Some of the things I read about Maddie on twitter from ADULTS make my skin crawl because I do feel they are personally attacking her, but they are allowed to have their opinion no matter how much people dislike it.
I personally feel that she is getting way too overexposed but her obsessed fans don't mind and keep at it. Hello has no one seen the shirts that they have for her that they sell???? Take a step back and realize she is a NORMAL GIRL not Beyonce.
I remember after the CNN special aired there were a few of her previous teammates who expressed some not so nice feels about the entire thing. Sure they may look like a close nit family but that doesn't mean these girls don't hide their true feelings about it all. iC did not help that at all this weekend with their 2 tweets about the team which both noticed Maddie and no one by name. Those other 35 girls are just as important as she is and people flock to her.
I don't think Maddie asked for it but it is the result of all that has been done over the years. She has a few more months of this left and then the legions of obsessed girls will flock to someone else and they will get to deal with it all.
Twitter is way more anonymous than here. Everything you do is tracked on here.

And as for negative comments how many of those twitter accounts have 5 to 10 thousand followers?

Tracked by you and the admins but none of us have access to that info. If my name on here was "cheerfan12349876" no one would know my real name (including you) unless I wanted them too or did something that required my isp to hand over my ID via a court order. I could be negative and hateful without anyone knowing that it was Scott Pierson saying those things.

If I have a Twitter/Facebook account as Scott Pierson and post negative comments then everyone knows that I am the one posting them. I understand that some people create fake Twitter/Facebook accounts but I'm talking about real people accounts. If you have create fake accounts to be heard then more then likely your message isn't very good to begin with.
Hello has no one seen the shirts that they have for her that they sell???? Take a step back and realize she is a NORMAL GIRL not Beyonce.

My daughter has three of those shirts, lol.

I'm one that feels that constructive criticism is fine in a public forum but do mean, negative, hateful attacks have any use other than to try and hurt those being talked about/verbally attacked?
Well, I might get chewed up for this... but I don't see the point in any of these back and forth Maddie Bashing/Maddie Loving statements. This thread in general makes my skin crawl. YOU ALL ARE ARGUING OVER A YOUNG GIRL. A MINOR, NONE THE LESS. If you think I'm taking a side in this, I'm not. I will freely say that Senior Elite is not my favorite team at all and hasn't been for the past couple years. (Stars/F5 ftw, woot woot.) But this whole thing is ridiculous. The Maddie Bashing is terrible and some of the things on here are making me wonder why they haven't been taken down yet. I fully understand the issue of "Free Speech" but there becomes a time when that right needs to be taken into another person's hands because it seems to me that some of us, adult and teenagers/children, can't seem to handle the responsibilities that come with that liberty. And to the people who are accusing others of attacking Maddie, the things you say back could be construed as attacking as well. Can both sides just accept that some people are going to love her, some people are not. There's no problem in either. I'm not saying I want rainbows and unicorns here, I just want people to understand the other side and not be so hard headed. Agree to disagree and this entire thing will all die down. Jeez, I think solving world peace and hunger would be easier than reading this thread.
Tracked by you and the admins but none of us have access to that info. If my name on here was "cheerfan12349876" no one would know my real name (including you) unless I wanted them too or did something that required my isp to hand over my ID via a court order. I could be negative and hateful without anyone knowing that it was Scott Pierson saying those things.

If I have a Twitter/Facebook account as Scott Pierson and post negative comments then everyone knows that I am the one posting them. I understand that some people create fake Twitter/Facebook accounts but I'm talking about real people accounts. If you have create fake accounts to be heard then more then likely your message isn't very good to begin with.

So basically you can create real or fake accounts on fierce twitter and Facebook. So how are they different?
Okay, this whole thing is getting out of hand. I've never been a die-hard SE fan (WCSS all the way) but I can recognize the fact that they are extremely talented... Did you catch that? THEY. Every single girl out there is an asset to the team- whether she's a featured tumbler or doesn't tumble at all, if she backspots, bases, or if she flies. She's putting effort into that routine and every single girl on the team deserves recognition. But this isn't Maddie-bashing.. She's extremely talented as well and a wonderful role model... As are the rest of the girls. EVERY team that competed in the Majors was amazing and none were flawless. EVERY athlete deserves the upmost respect.... And a cookie.

Aaaand I'm done.

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