Where to even begin...somehow it definitely topped Worlds 2010! :)
1. Seeing all of my friends that I never get to see and I especially loved meeting a lot of friends/fierceboarders for the first time! Thank you so much to everyone who wasn't shy to say hi and ask my board name!
2. F5 won worlds-it's real life. I don't think I've ever cried and been that excited in my entire life. In addition Panthers won Worlds :) I have a very good friend/former teammate on the team and I couldn't be happier for her and all of Panthers! I can go on and on..I am very happy with ALL of the World Champions this year...it was time for things to be shaken up a little!
3. BANGKOK. Words cannot even begin to describe their two performances that had the Milkhouse on their feet chanting Bangkok. I also loved how James Speed & GT walked back out onto the floor after Bangkok performed to give them props on an amazing performance, very classy and sportsmanlike!
4. It was wonderful to see a lot of underdog teams hit their routines..what a great feeling to walk away with regardless of placement! I can't imagine how difficult it is to hit a clean routine with a huge amount of nerves and pressure!
5. Lastly, I would like to give kudos to all of the ladies on Maryland Marlins Tsunami. They took the mat a total of 4 times due to a power outage on day 1 and an injury day 2...yet they still kept their chins up, their motivation high, and hit clean routines. Just by talking with a few of the girls, you could easily tell they are a family and really support each other no matter what is thrown at them. I can't wait to see what they will bring to the mat next year! :)
Pretty sure my list could go on and on; there are so many memories at Worlds 2011! <3 Congratulations to EVERY team who competed this year at Worlds!