All-Star Hip Flexers

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Dec 18, 2009
I searched for this topic and could not find any. I am having a lot of pain in my hip flexers from them being so tight and not a lot of the stretching I'm doing seems to be doing much unfortunately. I was wondering if any of you have good stretches or tips in making their more flexible and loose? It would defiantly fix my heel stretch properly!
make sure you are stretching both legs when stretching heel stretches you can injure yourself only stretching 1!!! oh and butterflies help L:
Probably the best stretches for hip flexors that I know are lunges. Make sure to do them properly though!!! Your back knee should be on the ground, and your front foot should be far enough in front that your KNEE DOES NOT GO INFRONT OF YOUR FOOT (that's the most common mistake I've seen). Once in the lunge, sit up so your weight is in your hips and not in your front foot and push your hips toward the floor. Make sure that you are staying centered and not leaning to the side. It also helps to rotate between splits instead of doing one, bringing your legs in, then switching to the next one. That sounds confusing I'm sure, just get in a left (or right leg) split, then rotate directly into a middle split, hold it, then rotate to the last split. This helps stretch the flexors (and hamstrings) get used to rotating for stretches to bows and rotating from scales to stretches also. Hope this helps!!!
My CP has very tight hip flexors and is always getting cramps in that area. The lunges always help along with doing a deep squat while shifting your weight side to side slowly seem to always work out the kinks for her! Good luck :)
Thank you so much for all your guys help!! I will defiantly be sure to start trying those! I had knee surgery while I'm currently getting back to recovery and almost to be cleared they've been tighter than ever and a huge pain! Thanks again!
Stretch both legs evenly. Stretch your splits like crazy, and other exercises that work/stretch your hips. Deep lunges, putting all your weight on one leg (to put weight on the Hip Flexer) and do it on both legs, talk to your coaches about it too. Ice & Heat, and if you have any spasming apply heat only because Ice would only make that worse. Epsom salt baths are great too. Also, check out KTtape, I used that and it did wonders :)
KT Tape's FB page: KT TAPE | Facebook
KT Tape's website: KT TAPE
Hope this all helps! Feel free to PM me if you have any issues with the websites or exercises/stretches.

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