What's the point if they can pick anyone they want? Even if a lawsuit is won, what do you gain? The team didn't want this individual so it's not likely the individual would be happy cheering for a team that really didn't want her. Unless someone can even prove something was said that would be considered disriminitory in the first place. But then again, what's to gain?
IMO, if you're an all-star cheerleader, you're an athlete that wants to compete. Not somebody that just waves poms on the sideline. These are athletes driven by competition and are highly skilled technicians in their sport.
HS cheer not for everybody. Not making the team might be the best thing if all they're looking is for a crowd pleaser with a certain look and aren't competitive but rather there to pep up their teams. This way, the focus can be on competitive cheer where skill is what maters.
Besides, if the HS teams are a train wreck, they're gonna need more than cheerleaders to make them any decent.