All-Star Horrible Situation.. What To Do?

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There could be a million things that effected he placement on this team. Anything from grades, motions, jumps, dance, even the tone or pitch of your voice. Were they really discriminating because she's not the smallest? I know it's hard to do with a friend, but you might have to take an objective perspective. Anyways...she should be focusing on Allstar
yes its my friend ssister. and yes she thinks thats it! because at this school they really dont care how you cheer, but how you look.
I see your point. It is just that discrimination is not right. If someone standsup to them, then maybe the next girls who try out will be treated better. I agree though, all star is awesome!
trust me i kn0w. she couldnt do allstars, shes too old! but shes a junior but started school late.
i dont know because honestly shes AMAZING! thats what she thinks and alot of others...

Poor thing, and NO, it shouldn't matter! Beauty and talent comes in all shapes and sizes. I can only pray that this is not the reason that this high school made their decision.
I agree with all the people that said that it's a blessing in disguise. I was rejected my 8th grade year. I must admit I was pretty devastated. Although i wasn't throwing standing fulls I still had a lot of talent compared to some that made it. I didn't end up joining mid year or anything, but seriously this was the BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME. It made me so mad that I didn't make it, so I pushed myself and i went up 2 levels that year. (2-4)
Speaking from personal experience only, I know a lot of hs cheer squads don't pick based on athleticism/skill...It's more about politics (for better or worse). I've seen some not make it who are incredible based on their "name", but also plenty who were talented get cut for their "reputation". They usually wanted the "best" girls of the bunch and that meant all around...However, I'm only speaking from a non competitive, small hs squad pov..
Toni B. from shooting stars didn't make her HS team last year. Such a joke! Tell your friend not to be too upset about it I'm sure she is amazing!
Toni B. from shooting stars didn't make her HS team last year. Such a joke! Tell your friend not to be too upset about it I'm sure she is amazing!
See....this is exactly what I'm talking about
Since it is the high school level could you sue over discrimination? I know College can turn you down for any reason, but you would think High School couldn't get away with this.

Ha a boy i know didnt make varsity cause he was a boy....and he had a full.
If it was meant to be it would have happend. God has a plan for her...please dont go off and complain to anyone. Something better is coming her way
I am a level 5 cheerleader and I made JV my first HS tryout. My friend who has never cheered a day in her life was captain. HS cheerleading can be really political sometimes and not at all based on skill but who you know. Like mine!
Ha a boy i know didnt make varsity cause he was a boy....and he had a full.

That is crazy! I know HS that beg guys from the gymnastics team to try out because they want guys who can tumble on the team.
Keep in mind that because you are limited to the number of girls you can have on a team the coach may have picked based on what she needed in stunts & pyramids. If you need 4 flyers, 8 bases and 4 backspots you would pull based on that need. If it was just for sideline tumbling skills are not really needed.
Ha a boy i know didnt make varsity cause he was a boy....and he had a full.

This doesn't really surprise me because alot of schools do not want to go Co-ed. I'm pretty sure that my daughters High School coach would NOT want any boys on the squad at this time. They have had them in the past but the girls Co-ed stunt better than the guys at this point so why mess up a good thing :)

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