What years did you cheer at American?? I cheered there 07-08 on Junior 3 (my only all star experience but I loved it!!) I tumbled at First Class Athletics for a few months and am starting back up in January with tumbling
I cheered there from 2003-2008. In 07-08 I was on the Senior Elite team with the Las Vegas theme. We had red uniforms that year. :) I went to tumble at Hurricanes last Thursday and it was awesome! The new manager, Ritch Ludke, is great - such a nice guy!
coachFIERCE said: ↑
Oh my gosh, I always wondered what happened to American! I saw their Small and Large Junior teams down at AmeriCheer in 2002; they were sogood!
And thank you! I wasn't on the allstar teams there in 2002, I was just tumbling there at that time. Yea they have gone through A LOT of mergers with almost all the gyms in Jacksonville. Literally almost all gyms, but I think there are 2 other gyms left in Jacksonville other than Hurricanes.