I am new to coaching with this being my second year I have already learned a lot! I was coached by some of the greatest coaches and they have developed the way I coach. With that being said, last year was easier, I coached a youth level 3 team and they were mostly all older youth aged girls, now we had to move them up to junior level with only 4 older girls out of 17! This has really tested some of their strengths and weaknesses. Ive learned you cant make a kid do something they just wont do but you can develop a relationship with each of your kids and adjust (fairly) how you coach one kid from the next. I dont mean give some privileges over another but for example I have one flyer who is a veteran and if she messes up she gets down on herself and you cant yell at her or it just brings her down more and she does worst, then there is another flyer and it is only her 2nd year flying and she is the youngest on the team but if she messes up if you dont yell at her and make her mad she wont think about doing it better. I think it gets a little easier when they get older because they develop a better self esteem and understand a coach doesnt yell at you because they hate you but because they know your potential. Also as a female coach coaching with a male the girls expected me to be the softer one and him to be the harder one and we kind of have to play off each other, if he is mad Im not and if I am he isnt. This gives the girls some hope that they can do better. They know if we are both mad they arent doing what they are suppose to and usually they get into work mode. I guess it just depends on the group you have.