Mini or youth the age where they're not quite as easily distracted/confused as the wee ones (depending on the age of the minis) but they listen to you and don't give you lip about stuff..
I asked my daughter & she said any level mini or youth team...she loves kids & would treat them all like her little sister/brothers....I would also like to do mini/youth team, those kids can be so focused and with a bit of love & training can flourish into the fiercest level 5 cheerleader out there! :D
Seniors, for sure. I have coached all ages and I'm just not good with small children. Not enough patience, and I get really frustrated when they don't understand what I'm trying to teach them. I think my dream team to coach would be a team of 20-25 year olds. No teenage drama and no parents, yaaay!
For sure, I will always be coaching the minis. In my opinion, the most competitive division out there. I never have less than 5 to 10 plus teams to go against. You really see the progression of the kids and they soak up everything. LOVE THEM!