Tumblr / iFunny :) . I just want you to go to this page. It's an app so be careful if you click something weird stuff comes up. Just please read it. Not just
@Fierce_Elite but I encourage everyone. We talk about our problems and we bicker but we have no idea how good we have it. If something as simple as the wifi stopped working everyone would be panicking. I think this to me shows that even when we think our lives suck and we have it awful their is other people who have it way worse. And while we feel sorry for ourselves they are told to suck it up. People in the world today out accepting torture and crime as a common thing. Well with this link, or this story even being in the worst place about to die he kept smiling and with his last dying breath he used his last ounce of energy to be loved. And To love.So while we sit here on our devices looking through post after post I really do encourage you to stop and ask yourself " Is it really that bad?" " Will I remember this in five years? And if so will it be a huge impact on my life?" Thank you for your time.