I hesitate to reply to this post because I honestly just don't have the mental energy for it right now, but here I go anyways. Search my name if you need to know my daughter's horror story. This post will not be about those particular details, as I have spoken about it extensively already. I would like to talk about how and why these things end up happening. A little armchair psychology, if you will. This is a somewhat vulnerable conversation for me and I've really had enough getting hated on so if you don't have anything constructive to say, please just don't respond to me. I am tired. I don't want to see anyone destroyed. I want to see behavior changed. Here goes.
We all enjoy seeing our kids succeed, no matter the sport. A new layer of pride is added when your child is able to participate in a renowned program that has a huge following and huge awards displayed all over. Yet another layer is added when your child is on a top team in a top program. It's exciting. Intoxicating. You are now part of an elite "club", or so it is presented to you. A parent could associate that success with their success as a parent. It's not hard to do. How many of you gave yourself a pat on the back when your kid won world's? Don't lie. When we got into that environment and the coaching is not what I had anticipated (I had been warned, but we will address that later), I told myself that "this is just tough coaching" and "this is what it takes to succeed at the elite level" and "these seemingly good parents are okay with this, why wouldn't I be". We all want to see the best in people and sometimes in doing so, we can rationalize behavior that we really should be running from. Some of us are more susceptible than others- for many different reasons. We had no experience in the cheer world to compare this environment to. I truly thought it was that way at every "big" gym and that's just how it was. The behavior seemed to be so widely accepted that I thought I was the one with the issue. I thought that I needed to toughen up and let my kid be coached. I am ashamed to say that there were times when I piled on the criticism and I allowed other moms to lecture my child simply because I believed that was the right thing to do. I had seen stories on this board; I heard rumors. I also saw how those who spoke up were labeled as disgruntled, angry, bitter, crazy, psychotic, didn't get their way, suzy got taken out of the air, you name it. Honestly it's easier to believe that cheer moms are disgruntled and crazy than it is to believe a charming, wildly successful and brilliant adult is guilty of the things of which they were accused (let's be realistic, we are all a little crazy here). I researched both sides of the story before making my decision where my daughter would cheer. People who are abusive are also very often charming and well spoken, and that is evidenced here on this forum if you choose to do the research. Do some research on that personality type and make your own decisions. I am not here to influence your opinions on any particular person, but to help answer questions about HOW this happens and WHY parents allow it. I have said before and I will reiterate, the toxic gym environment parallels the abusive family structure. There are abusers, enablers, flying monkeys that do the abuser's dirty work, golden children, scapegoats, invisible children. There is manipulation, there is gaslighting, there is a give and take (often called love bombing and devaluation) that causes the victim to stay in a fog of questioning themselves and their decisions. Gaslighting causes one to second guess their own reality- is this abuse or am I just being sensitive? Is my child being mistreated or am I being overprotective? Is this tough love or is this abusive? It becomes even more difficult to discern when comments such as: "she is the most talented athlete to ever walk through those doors" "she has the best work ethic of any athlete I've ever coached" "she's one of MY kids" "I love her like my own daughter" are made (and yes these are all actual statements that were made to me when I spoke up about coaching that I didn't approve of). I was made on many occasions to feel that my child was dearly loved and appreciated, and then witnessed contradictory behavior from the same person. It was confusing. I was not sure what to think. I am not alone in this experience. Then, once the fog begins to lift, there is the issue of the child not wanting to leave. The've grown up in this environment, made a bond with friends, coaches, and parents. They don't want to start over in a new program, don't want to make new friends. They just want to be happy where they are. They think if they work harder that will happen. They are not educated on abuse and how they will never please the abusive person. Even if the parent demands that they move to a healthier environment, it is a hard call for the parent to make given their own confusion and the resistance from the child. Often families will come back to the toxic environment, no different than an abused spouse returns to her abuser many times before leaving permanently. This is the nature of abusive relationships. I'm tired now, so I will stop here- there is heaps of information about this kind of relationship on the internet. It is the same mechanism which allows cults to exist and thrive. It exists and it is real and it happens to educated, intelligent people. It takes place in increments and one may not realize what they are involved in until it is too late, and at that point it is difficult to extricate themselves.
For those that asked why people resort to social media instead of going to the USASF or police, I submit to you that we did do those things. Lawyers were contacted- good luck finding someone to sue a cheerleading coach because she was mean to your kid. Police were contacted- good luck getting them to care. USASF was contacted- I was told before even presenting my concern that they can't do anything about verbal abuse (that wasn't even why I called). When I made my complaint about a rule being clearly broken with no gray area whatsoever, I was asked to provide evidence of such, which I promptly did. Months passed, I was not contacted. I inquired and was told that the rule was broken, but no punishment would be given. I was told that for this particular gym going forward, identification would be required for each athlete entering warmups and that would be checked against the roster. That never happened. I followed every proper channel I could get my hands on and nothing was done. So my next step was simply to leave my review on a business in the place where parents come looking for reviews on cheerleading programs (here). There was a lot of support (thank you to those of you) and there was a lot of hate (not gonna lie, that was very hurtful). When an anonymous cheerleading twitter account said some bad things about this particular coach, twitter decided that it was me or my daughter (it was not) and proceeded to try to destroy us. My daughter received actual death threats (the police were at my house making several reports), an actual adult coach threatened to burn down my house, my husband's job was called, my daughter's gym was called, photos of my daughter were lifted from her instagram and used on twitter to somehow discredit the story I shared here, kids called her names at competitions, her age eligibility was called into question at competitions and we were generally blacklisted in this sport. I was told by a friend that I am the most hated mom in cheerleading.... I could go on and on. I think the horror that we went through after speaking out was just as hurtful as the abuse my daughter suffered. And I have seen that happen OVER and OVER when people speak up about abuse in this sport. So say what you want about the young girl who started this. Say what you want about her parents.... but I will tell you that things are not always as they seem, and you may never know or understand certain situations and perhaps it isn't even our business. What matters is this young lady put herself out there at risk of complete annihilation and in doing so opened the door for so many other kids to speak up. I applaud her and you should too.
Lastly, I apologize for my complete disregard for grammar and proper punctuation. I am simply exhausted from dealing with this subject for years on end, and the past few months has been particularly excruciating for my family. I just can't care if my sentence structure is correct, so show some grace. And because I know several of you are just salivating to gnaw my head off, a disclaimer: this is posted simply for educational purposes. I'm not dragging anybody, I'm not absolving myself of my share of responsibility. I'm explaining for those of you who asked HOW and WHY this can happen from my own personal experiences. I will NEVER forgive myself for the things that I allowed my daughter to endure so do not dare come at me. It simply will not be entertained. That said, I was a victim also and it has taken a lot of therapy for me to understand and be able to admit that. I hope and pray my openness and vulnerability will help someone else not to get into the same situation at ANY gym.
Editing to add in case my profile pic causes confusion: my daughter was NOT mistreated at Stingray Allstars- they have treated her with nothing short of kindness and respect and have been critical in her healing process.