Here's a question maybe someone can answer for me. It's nice that we can see the score breakdowns in each category at worlds. I AM ONLY DOING THIS AS AN EXAMPLE and not to target any certain team. I'm using Cali & Top Gun because they are well respected programs that have been well established as a powerhouse for a very long time. I was very confused at the placement of UA in the large coed division because I thought they were one of the teams with the most difficulty in that whole division. This is where I do question what the original poster had posted. Do names really come into play when judging? I know execution is a big factor, but let me put this out in a number sense and maybe someone can give me an answer as to why UA was scored the lowest in the large coed division in stunts and tumbling. I will use tumbling as an example to back up the theory and compare the 10th place team to the 2nd and 3rd place team's scores. I went back and rewatched the videos many times to come up with numbers. Numbers can give a general sense of solid proof, only lacking execution. By doing so, we get a general sense of how teams should score in comparison to others.
Standing fulls/1 to fulls
Cali: 15
Top Gun: 18
UA: 18
Standing to doubles:
Cali: 8 plus 5 tumbers go twice, totaling 13. 5 1 to doubles, 4 3 to doubles, 4 2 to whip doubles.
Top Gun: 8 total: 7 3 to doubles, 1 2 to whip double
UA: 12 plus 3 tumblers go twice, totaling 15. 2 double punch doubles, 4 2 to whip doubles, 3 2 to doubles, 3 1 to doubles, 2 3 to doubles, and standing full bounding pass ending in a double
Synched tumbling:
Cali: 18 fulls/doubles
Top Gun: 26 fulls/doubles
UA: 28 fulls/doubles
Running doubles:
Cali: 12
Top Gun: 8
UA: 17
As you can see, UA had very high numbers in each of these sections, and if you get a chance to see to video, watch it. In my opinion the skills were performed with great execution, as did Cali and Top Gun. But the numbers are there.
Cali scored a 97.93 in tumbling.
Top Gun scored a 93.63 in tumbling.
UA scored an 87.70 in tumbling.
-->More than a 12 point difference between Cali and UA, and almost a 6 point difference between Top Gun and UA. It doesn't make any sense considering UA had the largest quantity of tumblers in all categories (tied with Top Gun for standing fulls/1 to fulls).
I don't understand how a smaller named gym (UA in this example) can score so significantly much lower than the bigger name gyms did with a significantly larger amount of tumbling unless there was a HUGE execution difference, which again IMO there was not.
To me this is solid evidence that big name gyms do get generally scored higher. Sad to see that this may be true, but in this case it definitely seems like it is. Just putting it out there.