First, let me just say...I have nothing but respect for all the teams that competed in the medium coed division. I am not bashing any team nor am I being a "bitter Betty". It is what it is and can't be changed, however, I was finally able to watch the Medium coed division videos (USASF finally put them up) and can't help but think the judges got it wrong.
The top 4 teams all had difficult elite stunts. But only GT had 8 stunts up AND had 4 groups of COMPLETELY unassisted single based stunts. Yes, there was a bobble with one of the elite stunts, but T&S and South Elite had small bobbles in their stunts. SOT, unfortunately had a stunt come all the way down.
In my opinion, T&S, GT, South Elite and SOT had beautiful jumps, but SOT and SE were just a little off.
I know it has been said on these boards a team CAN win worlds with a dropped stunt. And I believe in the past that may have been possible. But the caliber of Teams and difficulty has been raised. IF WORLDS is about PERFECTION and hitting CLEAN, then dropping a stunt does not make a world champion!
Especially when there were other teams doing the same difficult and elite things and hitting them.
In my opinion, it should have been T&S, GT, SE and SOT in that order.
Yes, I am biased. My son is on GT Platinum. I do not feel they EARNED 4th place, and my heart broke for my team (I am team mom) when they were announced in 4th. I was prepared for 2nd behind T&S, but not 4th.
Once again, I am not bashing SOT or any of the other teams SOT were crowned World Champs and I congratulate them. However, I am still shaking my head...