I’ve always wanted to cheer and I am currently the age for U18 and Open. I have a couple of options for gyms, but the one that seems the most reasonable only has level 4+ tumbling teams for my age. There is also a U16/18 level 2 non-tumbling team, an open level 2/3 non-tumbling team, and an open level 4.2 (level 4 stunting and level 2 tumbling) team. The tumbling (did gymnastics when I was younger and still have some skills) aspect is what has me hooked into cheer, so I don’t know if it would make sense for me to be on a non-tumbling team, as I want to improve my tumbling skills. I also have no desire to be a flyer, so I feel like it wouldn’t be as engaging for me (just my take). any advice would be appreciated.