All-Star Is This What The Future Looks Like?

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Man the reactions to this are SO freaking funny to me. WE have been BEGGING for legitimacy for DECADES and now we get it and people are up in arms because, surprise surprise there is a CHEER required for "sport" cheer.
Dear ALL all-star participants, coaches, gym owners YOUR skills are a necessity so don't freak out, embrace the recognition, be proud. Currently the next step to All-Star is college, guess what you have to do in College, CHEER! Common people OPEN your eyes. You don't have to change what we are doing now in "all-star" to still have an ICU team doing a "cheer". Guess what, IT ALREADY HAPPENS and NOTHING has changed to All-Star. The ONLY major change I see happening to All-Star is governing body will be more legitimate, and UNIVERSAL scoring.
Calm down everyone and if things do change, there will always be a place for great coaches and talented kids.

Well said as well GDaddyLS
Honestly whichever way it goes I can handle it. I will probably be retired in a 5-7 more years anyway so it will be somebody else's drama. My kids are no longer cheering so it does not affect them at all. My only concern is that we all not only hear what is being said but listen. And to read the fine print. Always read the fine print because there is always fine print.

My issue which has been my issue from the beginning are the amount of denials that certain things were changing years ago. All I see happening now is that because of the advance of social media things can not be as easily denied or dismissed as they once were. We were talking about uniform restrictions in the ProX day. How many years ago was that? Same thing with tumbling restrictions. Same thing with Universal Scoresheet. Same thing with USA cheer being over USASF. Not one new discussion. Yet the reasons they give for the changes are different, but they are essentially the same changes talked about then. Sorry I just don't believe the story of statistics for tumbling as the reasons for the changes. Still haven't seen them statistics.

At some point there must be a realization that everyone is not either pro Varsity/USASF (and they will always be that until they officially separate - no matter how many times they try to tell us they are not the same) or Anti Varsity/USASF. We are people with honest questions and concerns. Many who have tried to go the official route for answers and not gotten them, who are just using what is available to them (social media) to ponder what is going on.

At the end of the day most will choose what they feel is best for their program and their own athlete. Whether it is Varsity/USASF or something else - which IMHO is the reason they are really concerned about the ASGA. To make sure they don't jump ship until what is really planned is firmly in place.
Man the reactions to this are SO freaking funny to me. WE have been BEGGING for legitimacy for DECADES and now we get it and people are up in arms because, surprise surprise there is a CHEER required for "sport" cheer.
Dear ALL all-star participants, coaches, gym owners YOUR skills are a necessity so don't freak out, embrace the recognition, be proud. Currently the next step to All-Star is college, guess what you have to do in College, CHEER! Common people OPEN your eyes. You don't have to change what we are doing now in "all-star" to still have an ICU team doing a "cheer". Guess what, IT ALREADY HAPPENS and NOTHING has changed to All-Star. The ONLY major change I see happening to All-Star is governing body will be more legitimate, and UNIVERSAL scoring.
Calm down everyone and if things do change, there will always be a place for great coaches and talented kids.

Do you believe our industry can handle these two or three very different cheer tracks? All Stars as it currently embraced, whatever USA Cheer decides will be the Olympic Format of Cheer and STUNT vs NCATA? I may be naive to this but I don't see a lot of gyms handling all three of those components, especially if the requirements are vastly different one from another.
So it's basically UCA college nationals, without flipping baskets or rewinds if I'm reading it right

That part I read but wasnt completely following what they were saying as they were using less than common terms.
International terms…"1/1" are used to designate salto or longitudinal rotation…"degrees" (as in 360 degrees) are used to designate latitudinal rotation…or twist. The reference to the 1/1 salto limitations from feet to feet…no more rewinds?
International terms…"1/1" are used to designate salto or longitudinal rotation…"degrees" (as in 360 degrees) are used to designate latitudinal rotation…or twist. The reference to the 1/1 salto limitations from feet to feet…no more rewinds?

1/1 in gymnastics is often used to talk about a full twist, as a 2/1 is a double twist, 3/2 is 2.5. It's a very old way of talking about twisting but it's sometimes done that way in gymnastics, so I wonder if they mean any full twisting flipping elements (so a full rewind like USA did last year)
1/1 in gymnastics is often used to talk about a full twist, as a 2/1 is a double twist, 3/2 is 2.5. It's a very old way of talking about twisting but it's sometimes done that way in gymnastics, so I wonder if they mean any full twisting flipping elements (so a full rewind like USA did last year)

That makes a bit more sense to me. Otherwise they would have just said salto mounts right?
That makes a bit more sense to me. Otherwise they would have just said salto mounts right?

I think no complete flips, from feet all the around back to your feet. But you could do a hand stand up to something or you could do a front flip to cradle etc
I think no complete flips, from feet all the around back to your feet. But you could do a hand stand up to something or you could do a front flip to cradle etc

But the 1/1 doesnt make sense. What does each 1 stand for?
Do you believe our industry can handle these two or three very different cheer tracks? All Stars as it currently embraced, whatever USA Cheer decides will be the Olympic Format of Cheer and STUNT vs NCATA? I may be naive to this but I don't see a lot of gyms handling all three of those components, especially if the requirements are vastly different one from another.
If gyms don't find ways to adapt they might be able to "handle" it maybe they shouldn't be open. Sounds harsh but most successful gyms I know of have multiple programs, rec, class, all-stars, high school etc. etc. I see this as just another route to make money. ICU training classes sound like a money maker to me!
If gyms don't find ways to adapt they might be able to "handle" it maybe they shouldn't be open. Sounds harsh but most successful gyms I know of have multiple programs, rec, class, all-stars, high school etc. etc. I see this as just another route to make money. ICU training classes sound like a money maker to me!

For the gym that can teach them appropriately or with appropriate certification - that is a whole 'nother crazy scenario - I can see that. I am firm believer in diversifying the income streams of the gym so that All Stars is not your only program - as they typically lose money or at best, break even.

I am wondering (out loud of course) if what will see will be similar to what many gyms saw with the advance of Level 5/Worlds. Where not having an ICU program will become marketing strategy gym against gym. Will be interesting.
That makes a bit more sense to me. Otherwise they would have just said salto mounts right?

Considering the influence of gymnastics in this deal that's what I assumed it was.
1 flip 1 spin
No…... 1/1 refers to a salto that rotates one (1) time…1./1 is used and read as a fraction. 1/1=1. If an athlete performs a double twisting double back, 2/1 plus 720 degrees or will call it a full in-full out. Gymnastics always make the assumption the salto starts on the feet and returns to the feet…it is never clarified, but always assumed this way. Degrees of turn (like a ballet turn on one foot) and degrees of twist are referred to by a number with a degree symbol. Single salto and double salto (2 rotations) never need to be clarified as the athlete will always land back on their feet.